Balcony garden & old pots
By Raquel
This is my balcony, which is really just a walkway, but it is also my garden, because that’s where my plants live! I took this picture from the opposite balcony…I am making an effort to make it as green as possible, but it’s taking me awhile!
This is a clay pot I inherited as well, I always wonder whether I should leave the soil (trying to garden on a budget!) or just empty it and put in fresh potting soil…there’s two of them and I’d like to use them…
Actually Larry – I think it was Larry! unless I have ghosts! LOL emptied one of them for me so all I have to do now is wash it….
And last but not least, this is Wabash Antiques & Feed Store, which is very quaint yet modern – that’s where I buy all my organic fertilizer, and sprays for the roses and some plants – they’re more into selling fruit trees and vegetables, but I did get my ‘White Splash’ geranium there, and the strawberry pot….They don’t have air conditioning (just ceiling fans) so going there in July is a trial (but once I got free ice-cold homemade lemonade on a particularly hot day – don’t see THAT at Wal-Mart!!) , but always interesting to see what they have…They’re also a pet store and sell bunnies (the Dutch lop-eared bunnies are ADORABLE!!) and puppies, and some birds, and chickens, doves, ducks and the occasional – I kid you not !! – miniature pony! Considering we’re ten minutes from downtown, I wonder just WHO buys all this, especially the horse feed – and have decided that people must drive to get their supplies there – they must have a very loyal customer base! Because sell they do (I once saw them loading bags of horse feed onto a pick-up), and I can’t imagine that the townhouse and apartment dwellers buy feed or keep a horse! But maybe they keep a horse out in Hill Country, who knows….well, it certainly reminds me that I live in Texas and that Texas’ country roots go deep!
11 Jul, 2008
More blog posts by Raquel
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Next post: Organic vs. regular fertilizer /sprays
Boy this sure does take me back, I haven't lived in Texas since graduating from high school in 1975, but I do remember the Horse culture of some of those folk. Have not been back since my mother moved away in 1998, I'm sure it has changed a lot but not all that much after all I guess!
11 Jul, 2008
What a great store to have close to you! By the way, you do need to use fresh compost in the second pot. Each year, it's wise to scrape off the top 2" of the old compost in each pot and replace with new. Also if you repot, add some new compost around the plant. Looks as if your collection is growing - number of pots AND the plants in them!
11 Jul, 2008
Hi Irish: yes it is nice, especially when the temp hits 30 C or higher! =)
Hi Wohlibuli: I moved to Texas in 2002 so i don't know what it was like before...but Houston still has the Rodeo, so I guess that says it all!
Hi Spritz: I figured, I was just hoping I could get away with using the old one...feeling kind of lazy, I guess...I do actually have a bit more plants, part of me doesn't want to add more (it already takes me 40 minutes to water them all properly!) but part of me can't help it...! LOL
Hi Marguerite: thanks, I do try to keep them as healthy as possible - you're right I should try of my neighbors in another building has done just that but I have yet to get my nerve up...always get scared of getting in trouble! I might just try it though, I would love a bouganvillea laong the fence!
16 Jul, 2008
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1 Apr, 2012
ice cold lemonade sounds lovely raquel. like you said the store must have a loyal customer base who keep going back , also its nice that they have those wee touches like free lemonade
11 Jul, 2008