Greedy birds.
By Raquel
Well the birds are making short work of the seed in the birdfeeder! On the one hand it makes me happy because they are eating it and come around the balcony, but on the other hand it worries me a bit that the seeds only last 3 weeks! This could get expensive.
But the birds do seem to be hungry. I thought they might not be as hungry considering Houston has very mild weather and there are still plenty of green trees and plants and flowers. Then again, it’s really not seed season.
I seem to attract small birds – they sometimes fight each other for access to the seed – and I feel like saying – “don’t fight, there’s enough for all!” lol but I’m sure they’re just being birds.
I was just amazed at how fast the seed went. But heck, that’s what it’s for, so eat up, miniature dinosaurs! =)
2 Feb, 2009
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Hi Raquel your mini dinosaurs seem to be doing well .
This year sees the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin author of the Origin of Species and we had a recent documentary here celebrating his life and the huge fuss surrounding his theories .
Archaeopteryx fossil was first discovered in Germany 2 years after Darwin published which strengthened his theories.There is a bird still in existence that retains claws on its wings - believe it to be tropical but cant recall the name.
2 Feb, 2009
Spritz...he is brilliant !
2 Feb, 2009
Its called determination Spritz.,its the Doves in my garden that have me beat I took the little trays off the bases ot 2 of my feeders to give the little birds a chance otherwise the doves just stay until feeders are empty,anyway I have a pair that have worked it out that if one sits on lower branch to hold feeder the other one gets to eat then they change places,now thats a partnership,haven,t got it in me to move feeders so just added more.Lol.....Bb I am awaiting the name of that bird with claws........
2 Feb, 2009
Hi Lincslass doves like pigeons only really interested in corn and maize which cheaper bird seed full of .If you put cheap stuff on the ground and better stuff in feeders little ones will get their fill.
As regards that strange bird can only recall this bird nests in tropical river deltas which always flooded.It has retained claws on its wings as evolution has not come up with a better way of ensuring extra grip .They ve always been at threat from things like small crocodiles which themselves prehistoric - so no need to diversify.I ll get there just need to think longer !
2 Feb, 2009
Great blog Raquel. It sounds like you have some very hungry birds around your place. Isn't it fun to watch them bullying each other over the food?
3 Feb, 2009
Thanks for all the comments - I'll see if I can look up the bird with the claws BB, I've heard of it but have also not been able to remember its name...Didn't know archaeopteryx had given Darwin a boost...
Just today, Spritz I read about the huge snowfall in London the biggest in 18 years I think they said it was...I can imagine the poor birds are hungry! Here it's nothing like that but it is cold, it's only 50 F (around 10 or 9 C, I think).
I can't help it I feel bad Gilli, maybe it's the midlle child in me that wants to make peace! But I also have a tendency to want to say: Don't fuss so much! as if they could really understand
3 Feb, 2009
BB, could your clawed bird be the cassowary of New Guinea?
3 Feb, 2009
Our garden birds were ravenous yesterday, could hardly keep up with their needs.
BB: Funny you should mention Darwin's Origin of Species, there was a documentary on this on BBC4 last night, we missed David Attenborough on Sunday night on the same subject. Fascinating stuff ....
3 Feb, 2009
My birds in my garden are always hungary, starlings are the ones here that always fight for food even though there is plenty for them all.
3 Feb, 2009
Not at all sure Raquel...thought cassowary big bird..a bit like a rhea of S America.....really guessing here.
Dawn..missed the documentary...probably on here lol
3 Feb, 2009
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You may have read (or read on GOY) that we are having the coldest winter for years in the UK. The poor birds are desperate for food and if we don't feed them, they will die.
The only funny bit is my 'Jumbo Jet' of a wood pigeon which has learned how to sit on the roof of the feeder, then he hangs on with one claw and slides the rest of him down, until his other foot grabs the wire grid at the front of the table - his head pokes through to grab some food - wings flapping madly! Who says he's a 'bird brain'!
2 Feb, 2009