Quiet Spaces
By Raquel
Houston is really a city built for cars. It was designed that way, and hardly anyone walks anywhere, even downtown. And while it’s understandable given the heat and humidity, especially in the dog days of summer, it’s a pity. Walking around you often discover little nooks and cranies in the downtown area (which is actually quite small) filled with parks and courtyards. This fountain, for example, is in a courtyard located between two restaurants – in-between two buildings! If you drive by you’ll miss it!
One of the things that I like about Houston is that, especially downtown, there are a lot of parks and water fountains and reflecting pools. No doubt it’s partly a way to accomodate the climate – like it says on the salt, “when it rains, it pours” and how!! That’s why Houston floods (and because it’s as flat as a pancake). But on the positive side, all this humidity must have spurred the founding fathers of Houston to build parks and perhaps in an effort to cool off a bit, include fountains. And I love them!
This is a beautiful little garden at Christ Church Cathedral in downtown Houston, perfect to just sit in the shade, read a book, daydream….
15 May, 2008
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It's funny how you can get the wrong impression of a place you've never been. I've never been to anywhere in America and always thought of the places there as concrete jungles. But after reading this blog I think I would like to visit Houston.
15 May, 2008
Much better for your health, both body and soul, to get out and walk or cycle! And you can in those oases. Glad the city planners had the sense and sensitivity enough to create them.
16 May, 2008
Thanks, Irish. Having a digital camera helps, because it does all the work for you...hee hee...walking around is a favorite past time of mine...
That's so true, Blodyn. Before coming to Houston I had always imagined all of Texas as a desert with cacti, cowboys and tumbleweeds blowing in the wind! I was sooo surprised to discover that Houston's pretty green - though there is a lot of air pollution, unfortunately. I even hear that Texas has a place called Hill Country that's really beautiful where they make wine! Who knew?
I graee with you, Spritzhenry, it does surprise me because the city's not know for it's positive environmental impact - all the major oil companies and refineries are here - but somewhere along the way people had the sense to create all of these parks...at least in the areas where I live. Houston is sooo huge (fourth largest city in the US) that I have no doubt there are very ugly urban parts to it as well. =)
19 May, 2008
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1 Apr, 2012
lovely pics Raquel,, its so nice to sit and just relax for a while in these parks,,,, and i agree, if you can just take the time to walk around there are loads of hidden gems waiting to be discovered.
15 May, 2008