my little patch
I really am quite lazy at updating my page, sorry.
When i see pictures of other members beautiful gardens, it makes me feel quite humble, but i know thats not the intention of this site, so i am not too put off!!!!
My garden, like my house, was neglected to the point of criminality when i bought the house, july 2007.
after blitzing the house, i turned my attention to my real hobby, which is attempting to garden!!
After renting a combine to clear the 7ft weeds and mess!!, i dug over the soil and planted grass seed…..late. It hasnt germinated too badly, if im honest, but a few rogue bulbs have now appeared and weeds too, which if id have had time to prepare properly, wouldnt have. Nonetheless, i toyed with the idea of allowing the bulbs to flower(snowdrops, crocus and daffs). The snowdrops i tolerated and the crocus too, but as im not a fan of daffs i carefully removed them and will seed over the mess in a few weeks.
The borders are now taking shape, but as im a fan of winter/spring colour, i will need to take some action with regards to all year interest, more than just a Hybrid tea!!! will stick some more pics on within the months, weather and time allowing.
29 Feb, 2008
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Next post: March 08
:) Richard
I no how dishearting a unloved garden looks as mine was just a Muddle of long grass&weeds when i moved into my home last april! But like you i cut back all the grass ect got fences fixed¬ed what plants were already here&built on that!Moveing,Digging&planning with the direction of sun&shade i knew what look i wantd so that was a Bonus 4me.Im going to b busy 4 the next 100years lol but im happy with what iv already done as its so so much better already ;) Good Luck with what ever your plans are
29 Feb, 2008
Hi've found a great spot to get good advice or guidance. It's heartening to hear your story of reclaimation. It's also great to add your pics and get feedback.and it is all good and practical... Everyone has his/her own way of doing the garden thing.
Winters are great for sorting out how YOU want to do things. There aren't many solid're starting early in you've plenty of time to just enjoy your own patch. Good luck and happy gardening.
29 Feb, 2008
I think that to add to Grenville's good advice, it's important to create 'structure'. in your garden, what I mean is hard landscaping - paths, walls or fences, trellis etc and 'soft' landscaping - evergreens and plants with architectural interest, then of course add in perennials and fill the gaps with annuals.. Also think upwards - climbers both evergreen and deciduous, and plan as Grenville said - draw rough shapes on a large piece of paper to help you buy plants within your budget and chosen colour scheme. Some people also advise a monthly visit to your local Garden Centre to buy a plant in flower - then you will have something in flower all year round! Don't forget to test your soil to find out if it's acid or alkaline before spending on plants which may not be happy - look in your neighbours' gardens, too, which will give you ideas as to what will thrive in yours! Lastly, if you have doubts or questions, someone on GoY will always help!!! :-)
29 Feb, 2008
Hi Richard,
The lawn sounds lovely with snowdrops and crocuses, (I only have one snowdrop so far!! this year) I guess daffs can look messy at times and a bit big for the lawn! I had an odd lot that appear that I forget about in one or two spots, that I didnt plant, must admit I picked them and put in a vase in my kitchen, I love to see them first thing in the morning. Perhaps you could pick and give to someone else, hee hee, oh and learnt a tip off country file, the way to pick them is to pull the stem gently from the ground and they snap themselves off, this gives a clean cut.
I too am am a green gardener (in that novice sense) but I think its but have got inspiration from this site and lots of encouragement.
good luck
29 Feb, 2008
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1 Mar, 2008
Hi Richard,
It sounds like you have attained a great deal so far. Lets hope we have a good summer to allow us all to spend more time in the garden.This is a super site for sharing ideas and learning.Hellebores are great for winter colour (if you like them) and will tolerate shade and damp conditions. I put in several dark plum and cream coloured varieties several weeks ago in the shady area of our garden and they are flowering beautifully.Its best to plant with a minimum of three plants or more odd numbers grouped together. Its a trick used by the professionals and always works. This also works well when you have a specimen plant and you want to underplant it with other plants to add contrast or further interest. Spring bulbs can add colour on drab winter days, but tend to look better in big drifts. Have a think about how you want to develop your garden with regards to providing all year interest, so that when one variety is fading there is something waiting to take pride of place. Its probably best to set about setting up a good structure of evergreen interest first and then adding the colour,pattern and texture.We used big sheets of paper and sketched the details in and add outlines of plants so that we will know where the plants will sit in the actual spaces. Colour paint charts from a D.I.Y store can assist when colour theming borders or pots, and they are free!
Good luck with your garden and best wishes,
29 Feb, 2008