March 08
Gave my new lawn its first light trim this afternoon and tidied around the edges too.
It was looking a little unloved and has not thrived as well as id have hoped for, when it was seeded last autumn. This was partly due to the fact that id not planned for the mass of bulbs which appeared em masse to the left hand side of the “lawn” and also down to very hungry birds.
This has been an important lesson on how not to sow a lawn from seed, but this was my 3rd new lawn, so i had experience but not prior knowledge of dormant spring bulbs, just waiting to appear once the triffids had gone!!
The bulbs have now been removed and the lawn will now be seeded this week, as im off work, and hopefully the birds wont be as hungry this time……..
30 Mar, 2008
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Richard I'm sure in next to no time at all your lawn will be as you
31 Mar, 2008
Well it sounds like the birds enjoyed their meal & u no what ur doing ; )
31 Mar, 2008
Just as a matter of interest, what were the bulbs? Did you re-plant them?
31 Mar, 2008
Hi Richard,
Its been a good day for gardening today and the weather has improved at last !!!.
Good luck with the garden.
Best wishes,
30 Mar, 2008