By Roy
Hi each year I buy small alpines for my rockery at the bottom of my garden,but they all seem to die, I look after them, but all to no avail.Any reason why this should be.
16 Apr, 2008
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Hi Roy,
Welcome to G.O.Y. As Bonkers states there are so many factors to consider as to why your Alpines have failed in the past, If you let us know all the info that Bonkers requests then we may be able to help. If you could name the types of plants and where you are trying to grow them that will be a start.Can I suggest that you dont buy any more Alpine plants until all the points that Bonkers mentioned are considered?
Best wishes.
16 Apr, 2008
Could you both tell me if I could include Alpines around my pond area, it's mainly sunny, I have plenty of gravel there and could place compost under it, I never knew there was so much to it and am glad I have not yet planted any, but would like to.
17 Apr, 2008
Hi Littledove and for Roy too as you plan to plant near a pond perhaps some ideal reading material would be Dr Hessayons Rock and Water Garden expert available at most garden centres.Sorry but youll need a little more than compost and gravel.
18 Apr, 2008
Thanks Bonkers, I had a feeling there was more to it yet hoping there wasn't lol, I'll look out for that book as it's something I'd like to try, I think alpines are so elegant :)
18 Apr, 2008
The trick is to mimic their alpine enviroment many grow in rock crevices with little in the way of soil or nutrients to support them.So long as you get their enviroment right they ll give you years of pleasure with few demands.
18 Apr, 2008
We have alpines and houseleeks growing in a stone trough. As Bonkers has stated they generally like poor soil and dry conditions with good drainage. One of the major reasons why they fail is they become water logged or the soil becomes too wet and they simply rot. We dont give ours any feed and only an occasional drink if they begin to flag. They are in full sun and we have used tuffa stone to provide planting pockets.We have also used fine grit and gravel as a deep top dressing in the trough. If possible give them a warm, dry location.
Best wishes,
18 Apr, 2008
Hi thanks for all your replies to my rock garden queries,I have deceided to give the rockery a miss this year,but will return next year. Thanks again. Roy.
20 Apr, 2008
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18 Jun, 2008
Hi Roy think you can provide us with a few more details ?Welcome to goy not long here myself.Alpines require some specific growing conditions if you could say how rockery consructed , what soil they in ,position sun shady etc .Has site got good drainage or does it get boggy . What you trying to plant? do you use grit around your plants - sorry but there could be many reasons for them failing need to narrow it down a bit please.
16 Apr, 2008