A Big Thanks
By Skay
Thanks to all who have given me a warm welcome and commented on my photos.
Enjoy your weekend.
12 Jul, 2008
More blog posts by Skay
Hi Stuart - nice to meet you - I'll be admiring your garden later - must work in mine now as it's the first day without rain for ages!!!!
12 Jul, 2008
oh spritz , dont make me jealous now
12 Jul, 2008
Alright for some, i'm feeling jealous aswell
12 Jul, 2008
I won't make it worse for you guys by going on about hot it is here. I do sympathise because I know it's horrid to have day after day of rain in the summer. Just try to remember thegood ones. We are really glad to have you with us Stuart. GOY is a very friendly place and it is a nice occupation when it is iether too wet, too hot or too cold to work in the garden.
12 Jul, 2008
Rain what rain.....wall to wall sunshine here in the English Lakes....sorry, but thanks again to you all..just off to remove three hens from the salad plot :-))
Chicken anyone.
12 Jul, 2008
Welcome from across the pond also. As it has been explained to you, this place is addictive. So we will be seeing and hearing from you a lot, but the more the merrier.
Love the avatar!!
12 Jul, 2008
Welcome Stuart to our gardening community.
12 Jul, 2008
welcome Stuart
12 Jul, 2008
hi stuart welcome to GOY,,, fraid your an addict to this site now like the rest of us lol
12 Jul, 2008