New Garden
By Wolf
Ok I’ve found this site and it seems great so here goes my first blog.
I’ve recently embarked on a journey to transform the garden of my house into a spectacular cottage garden. I’ve been reading up on cottage garden’s and googling other people’s on the net to try and get an idea of what I want to achieve. So about a month ago I set to work transforming what was basically just a yard with lawn and a few mature plants into my ideal cottage garden. I found old garden beds once I managed to get the lawn mower through the long grass so I’ve weeded those (and discovered a large number of well established azaleas hiding amongst the weeds). I’m now in the process of planting out a variety of plants (preferably ones that will drop their seeds and send up new plants) including several varieties of poppy, marigolds, foxglove, pansies, cornflowers (blue), daisies, snowflakes, hydrangeas, salvia, jasmine, peruvian lily, violas and many more to come. When my new neighbor found out that I was getting the houses garden in order she was so delighted that she offered for me to come over and look at her garden. She told me to feel free to take cutting off any plants I liked because she had grown so tired of the ‘dump’ next door. So I now have a few cuttings resting in pots out the back waiting for the day I can plant them in the garden actual. It’s so exciting watching my garden come to life and now I can watch other people’s gardens blossom as well thanks to this site. :)
18 Jul, 2008
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Hi and welcome to GOy , sound like you have a good neighbour living close by. i too have grown poppy and foxgloves from seed this yr with the intention of planting up my front garden with old cottage garden type plants
18 Jul, 2008
Welcome to GOY Wolf. You're sure to love this site, I only joined in May and am totally addicted! :) Very friendly and so informative. It's like a "gang" of new-found friends. I will certainly be looking forward to your cottage garden transformation. Hopefully you'll be taking before as well as after pictures. Enjoy!!
18 Jul, 2008
Hallo Wolf - and welcome! Another member from the other side of the world! I am quite sure that you will soon find your way round the site and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
18 Jul, 2008
Hi Wolf. Welcome to GOY. I think you'll enjoy it a lot.
18 Jul, 2008
Hi Wolf and welcome to GoY. Sounds like an exciting new challenge, and cuttings from a neighbour - brilliant :o).
18 Jul, 2008
Hi Wolf and welcome to this superb site. You will make lots of lovely new friends on here.
18 Jul, 2008
Thank you all for making me feel welcome. :)
19 Jul, 2008
Hi Wolf, Another welcome from me too. Your garden plans sound great. We started from scratch 3 years ago. I've tried to include as many cottage garden plants as I can, though they don't all like the climate here. I've been surprised at how many plants do quite well.
19 Jul, 2008
If there is an International Garden Scheme ( and if there isn't GoY would indicate there ought to be) your garden should be the first Anglo - Hungarian Cottage Garden, Chris. I am sure many folk would love to have the opportunity to see for themselves how you have developed your garden, blending a British style of gardening with the Hungarian climate and local gardening style.
19 Jul, 2008
Anglo-Hungarian Cottage Garden, That is just priceless !
And so true, the cottage garden style is very popular and it just goes to show you that a "style" of garden doesn't necessarily preclude using plants more suited to the climate than typically used in an English Cottage Garden.
I think Flcrazy has a great Anglo-American Cottage Garden. She uses plants that grow better in the hot and humid southeast US. But you could be "tricked" into believing you were in a English garden somewhere maybe in hmmm Cornwall or possibly the Isle of Wight.
Great idea Xela
19 Jul, 2008
Welcome to goy Wolf a year ago moved to exactly the same situation , everyone in village referred to the place as the wreck next to the church . The border at front grew hogweed ,dock and ground elder.Still an awful lot to do but now lavender out and front just painted people now stop and chat to us! Oh Wohlibuli - some time ago I wrote a blog on this subject and think I may have upset one or two people your side of the pond. Your comments express exactly the point I was trying to make , thank you for putting it more concisely.
19 Jul, 2008
How right you are, Wohli, I have often thought the same about Flcrazy's garden.
Perhaps I am particularly aware of how some users of GoY integrate gardening styles in incongruous climates because my retirement plans aspire to splitting the year between Buckinghamshire and the Cerdagne. I dream of having a French flavoured garden here and an English flavoured garden abroad, maybe one with the accent on Winter interest and the other Summer.
19 Jul, 2008
Wow ! Xela, That sounds like a fab idea, but how are you going to maintain when you are in your winter home. A part time gardener i guess.
19 Jul, 2008
I started to say that Mikec's garden in Mass. would be a Anglo Yankee Cottage Garden, but then I realized to those in the UK, all of us over here are Yank's, whereas its only those of us in the south, call northerners (US) Yankees. Oh gosh that is just too confusing... Okay I'll just make it English Cottage Gardens and say that there are a lot of them all across the world.
19 Jul, 2008
Thanks Marguerite. You are right about finding new things though, I've discovered I have a happy lizard and frog population in this garden. It's very exciting, I just wish they were a little slower so I could manage to take some photos.
23 Jul, 2008
Yes, it makes me glad my cat is an indoors cat at this house (we intend to build a run for her in the backyard so that she can have outdoors fun without being a menace to the wildlife). Otherwise my lovely new friends would be disappearing rather quickly.
23 Jul, 2008
Hi Wolf. I've just joined and want to start a small cottage garden in the front of my house. Any tips or warnings? I'm not an expert gardener, and I don't want things I have to nurse along/ wrap up in the winter ( gets down to minus 5 here resonably often).
27 Dec, 2008
Recent posts by Wolf
- Apologetic Entry
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- House Hunting Road Trip
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- Fire Season
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- When life hands you lemons you make lemonade
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- Stolen Moments
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- Possum Magic
24 Jul, 2008
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27 Dec, 2008
Welcome to GOY.
There are members all over the world, the friendliest people growing all kinds of plants in all kinds of situations.
I'm sure you will love it !
18 Jul, 2008