Lazy me!
By abrayton
Another hot day, and I’ve been terribly lazy….but did make sure I got out there and watered all the flowers and tomatoes, as I do everyday. The petunias were looking pretty bedraggled when I got home from my sister’s on Sunday, so have really been concentrating on getting the brick planter and hanging pots trimmed up. Everything seems to be bouncing back.
Have given up hope of getting my little fish pond going this season, but will keep working on it for next spring. We replaced our old bathtub, and took it out to the northwest corner of the yard and dug a nice big hole. In it went, along with a weed barrier. I filled in around the tub with dirt and nice big rocks. I’m hoping to have plants put in by next spring, the pond liner, and, of course the water for some fish. A friend has lots of them in her stock tank and said I was more than welcome to some. Hurray for good friends!
Had such a good time today looking at photos and ideas on this site for beautiful gardens. I’m hoping to adapt a few.
Well, guess that’s about it for this day. Have a needle-point project with a Scottish thistle on it that I’m working on for my sister. Much easier to see with daylight, so had better get working on it!
15 Sep, 2012
1 like
Previous post: Cooler weather!
Good luck with your pond :o)
16 Sep, 2012
Thanks! My computer is about to run out of power, so this must be short tonight. Will try again tomorrow. Just wanted to say thank you for your nice comments.
19 Sep, 2012
19 Sep, 2012
Recent posts by abrayton
- Cooler weather!
14 Sep, 2012
- A heavenly, rainy day!
12 Sep, 2012
- Good morning
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- Early morning guardians
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- Thank you everyone!
19 Jul, 2012
- Good morning!
15 Jul, 2012
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Gardening with friends since
9 Aug, 2009
That sounds like a great day. Ponds are fun the newts and frogs just seem to arrive and the fish are interesting to watch as even they have a pecking order when fed.
15 Sep, 2012