The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

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  • Gardening with friends since
    25 Feb, 2009

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  • Gardening with friends since
    18 Aug, 2010

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  • Gardening with friends since
    18 Aug, 2010

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  • Gardening with friends since
    18 Aug, 2010

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  • Gardening with friends since
    18 Aug, 2010

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    Avid but inexperienced gardner moved from Jamestown, NY to Darlington, SC and have had more things die than live that I have planted in SC. But...

  • Gardening with friends since
    18 Aug, 2010

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  • Gardening with friends since
    28 Jul, 2010

    2 photos
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    1 blog entries

    Short,fat,bald headed bloke.

  • Gardening with friends since
    29 Jul, 2010

    17 photos
    1 plant
    1 blog entries

    hi all i have a wife & 3 son's the old'st is 23. & the baby of the family is 16.. my partener is Disabled..been here for 3 yr's...

  • Gardening with friends since
    18 Aug, 2010

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  • Gardening with friends since
    18 Aug, 2010

    0 photos
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