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Gardening with friends since
31 Dec, 20080 photos
0 plants
0 blog entries -
Gardening with friends since
31 Dec, 20080 photos
0 plants
0 blog entries -
Gardening with friends since
31 Dec, 20080 photos
0 plants
0 blog entries -
Gardening with friends since
31 Dec, 20080 photos
0 plants
0 blog entriesretired with small garden with pond and greenhouse
lots of pots on the patio with trees climbers gerraniums and fushias inthe summer -
Gardening with friends since
15 Nov, 20080 photos
0 plants
0 blog entrieshi, i'm 44yrs old and always been interested in gardens/flowers, while being off work sick for 2yrs i've had more time for this. I have...
Gardening with friends since
30 Dec, 20080 photos
0 plants
0 blog entries -
Gardening with friends since
30 Dec, 20080 photos
0 plants
0 blog entries -
Gardening with friends since
30 Dec, 20080 photos
0 plants
0 blog entries -
Gardening with friends since
16 Jul, 20082 photos
0 plants
1 blog entries -
Gardening with friends since
30 Dec, 20080 photos
0 plants
0 blog entries