Great site
By adamg40
Just wanted to say i am so glad to find this site its great, most of all theres a great bunch of people who are so helpfull to share there ideas and tips.
10 Feb, 2009
Next post: weather
Great 2 hear your enjoying GOY Adam :)
10 Feb, 2009
I like browsing through gardens and flowers and finding a plant I have never heard of before!
Unfortunately, it usually turns out to be an acid-loving plant, so I can't grow it! :-(
10 Feb, 2009
Hi Adam,
Glad you are enjoying this site.There is a lot of expertise and experience that the members share with each other.
10 Feb, 2009
Pleased to meet you Adam , glad that you are enjoying this site , there,s always someone here to help you ......:o)
10 Feb, 2009
Glad to hear you are enjoying the site Adam. I love it here too. There are so many knowledgable people on here and everyone is so nice and helpful.
11 Feb, 2009
hi adem glad to hear you feel the same as me .. great people very helpfull willing to give advise all good i read comments makes you feel good on what u have done well it gives you motivation anyway thanks all for the knowledge you gave me and adam hows ur tomatoe seeds doin . hopefully i will put mine in tomorrow
16 Feb, 2009
Recent posts by adamg40
- Weather watch!
27 Mar, 2013
- Hi everyone !
24 Mar, 2013
- Its finished
5 Mar, 2009
- Our day
3 Mar, 2009
- hi this is Heather, Adams better half.
24 Feb, 2009
- My day
22 Feb, 2009
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And so say all of us.................Someone on here will always have the answer you need.........
10 Feb, 2009