Refuse Collectors damage my garden again
By alextb
On 19th April, the refuse collectors decided rather than take a 2 minute detor to collect some bins, they would try tricky manoeuvers to get round.
Some of the collectors moved pots and planters and a small gardening bench in case they mounted the small section of path seperating the garden from the road.
The driver then drove over the edging fece panels and damaged beyound repair 2 panels and a garden ornament.
I have just recieved a reply to my letter which at least shows they are investigating.
London Borough of Sutton
Environment & Leisure
Executive Head of Street Scene Services –
Peter O’Connell
Your Ref: 195629
London Borough of Sutton
24 Denmark Road
Surrey SM5 2JG
Date: 09 May 2011
Strategic Director -
Environment & Leisure
Daniel Ratchford
Chief Executive
Niall Bolger
Dear Mr Taylor-Bradshaw
Thank you for your letter dated 20th April 2011 reporting that your property has been damaged by a refuse truck.
Please be advised that this has been passed to the Refuse Supervisor who will arrange for a form to be completed by the driver and then processed by the Insurance Department.
You will be contacted in due course.
Yours sincerely
Brenda Onilude
Waste Operations Team Leader
Pictures below:
Panel 1
Panel 2
Ornament (Front)
Ornament (Back)
9 May, 2011
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The refuse collectors arrived today, but did not know I was standing in the room by the bins at the time with the window open.
They were saying some very unkind things about me, and then refused to collect the bin.
I was fuming and made a phone call to Customer Services who have said they will contact the Supervisor, and have him call me back, as what happened was unnaccetpable.
The caretaker managed to persuade them to take the bin.
10 May, 2011
This is all wrong!! It should never of happened in the first place.
Fingers crossed that you get a satisfactory result from this.
10 May, 2011
Thank you, I am certainly hoping.
The Supervisor phoned me, and said that the collectors could face; a disciplinary, being sacked and going to Court. I said that it sounded too drastic, but she explained that was policy.
I managed to settle on her having a word and her calling me back to let me know what they said.
10 May, 2011
Lets just hope the person(s) concerned appreciate your comments on the severity of the disciplinary and don't make any more adverse comments next time they collect your rubbish!
11 May, 2011
UPDATE: The Supervisor called back this morning and she said that they were horrified when they found out taht i had heard what they said, and she told them that I could take further action, and she said that they apologised. She also told them that it was unnacceptable to be talking about residents in that way.
I am just waiting for the insurance claim they have put in for reimbursment for the earlier damage to go through the Civic Offices.
11 May, 2011
Are they mad! thinking they could make comments and no-one would notice...
Will they be sending you some written apologies?????
May-be even some compensation just for the 'comments' without the damage.
Keep smiling though - and don't let this situation get you down.
11 May, 2011
sorry you have had this trouble Alex and its disgracefull and shbould never happen and they have a nerve talking about you when they are in the wrong, they deserve to be sacked.
11 May, 2011
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Hi Alextb, That is alfull, lets hope they do somthing about it, the driver should get into trouble as well ,try to keep smiling
9 May, 2011