By alextb
It has just started pouring down in my part of London. About time too. VERY HEAVY!
Sorry, just a short one. My garden like so many in UK has been suffering.
I am glad that we are not getting gales down here, as was forecats in Northen England and Scotland.
I would share the rain with some of you, but I need to get my garden drenched first.
Who would like it next. First come first serve. LOL
I hope you all get some heavy rain soon.
22 May, 2011
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Next post: HEAVY RAIN! About time too.
Hello! I've got plenty here! I think the gales forecast for next week could probably blow you a swimming pool full!! Be careful what you wish for! My lawns are squelching! ;0) Lol!
22 May, 2011
Please please send me some in Northern Lincolnshire not had any proper rain for weeks if not months, i'm having to water the garden as everything was drooping :o( and today its gale force winds just to complicate things
22 May, 2011
Dry and very windy here ... just staked up some taller plants before they go over ... had to fill the watering cans to stop them blowing around ... no rain as yet. : o ((((
22 May, 2011
22 May, 2011
A couple of weeks ago i wished for rain here up north, and then it came and hasn't stopped since. Now we've got the wind too and forecast is for more tonight and tomorrow. Oh well i should have been careful what i wished for...
22 May, 2011
It's been a bit windy, and the Sun came out not long after the rain stopped. I live in South London.
22 May, 2011
Here in Newcastle it is very windy and is going to get worse ,also some patchy rain. I have been putting things away just in case we do get the strong wind.
22 May, 2011
well, you lot do seem to be getting it! I wish we did......Showers forecast and not a drop to drink(for the plants that is!) we in dry East Anglia are DESPERATE for rain......The Sarah has a branch office in my garden and the risk of the lawn catching fire is now Grade 1!!!!!!!
22 May, 2011
Hi Alextb, Down here in south devon we have not had a drop. my hubby's fuchsia's that he put in a wall basket are being ruined by the wind. such a shame.good job we are not on a water meter :)
22 May, 2011
That certainly is a good job.
23 May, 2011
We have had very little rain too but very very high wind which also dries everything out of course, but it's not so easy watering things when the wind is very high - I usually end up getting soaked myself!
23 May, 2011
on borders of cheshire here ................. tooooooooo much rain !!! need sun now , and winds soooo bad , lot of trees in my garden . hope they dont come down ekkkk
23 May, 2011
Some of the trees near me were making an eerie creaking noise as I walked past. Needless to say i walked a bit faster. We have ahad quite a bit of blustery wind, and we had a lot of wind, when my neighbour and I were taking each other round each others gardens this afternoon.
I have already picked up a load of branches off the road round here.
I am worried about some of my taller plants, and had to replace a small terracotta pot, as it smashed after being blown over while I was talking to my neighbour. The new pot is nicer, as it is a dark green colour and glazed.
23 May, 2011
ermmmm nice !!! piking loads twigs and huge branches up in the garden ekkkkk lol ............. a large tree came down up the rd this p.m ................ going bit chilly now
23 May, 2011
I hope the weather improves for you Cristina.
24 May, 2011
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13 Feb, 2011
Very windy here in East Sussex but no rain.
22 May, 2011