Mavisc52's Profile

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Myback garden is quite large I have mainly perenials geraniums being my favorites. Other perenials grown are heuchera, campanula,bergenia.It is not a formal garden by any means it is just a mixed up tidyish muddle .It can throw up some surprises but also has its share of failures.{It has taken some years to grow tulips in the soil instead of pots} I think of myself as an enthusiastic amatuer.I have a bit at the back for the wildlife it has some logs down for the frogs to sit under and the cats to sit on and the bird feeders hang on the trees above. this is where my mistakes go to get a second chance also my bulbs in their pots spend the summer here.It is shaded by a couple of mature trees I have two mixed medium plots and various containers for my summer bedding.
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Joined in Feb 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Newcastle