Planning for next year
By alextb
This will be the first time I plan parts of my garden.
I usually just fill it in with whatever I see at the GC fit it in wherever I have space and that leaves my small patch of garden mix and match whether it clashes or not.
Below are my plans for 2 parts of the garden.
Some will arrive as seeds / corns / bulbs and others will arrive as ready or plug plants.
Let me know what you think.
Suppliers: Suttons
Before and After
This picture remains property of “Suttons Seeds.”
Hanging baskets will have pot ready Petunia “Royal Hearts”.
I will also be growing “Sweet Million” Cherry Tomatoes out the front.
Be truthful when commenting. If you don’t think it will work, then say so. I promise I can take it.
28 Nov, 2011
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I was also going to ask where the house is, what sort of boundary and where, and is there a path anywhere?
28 Nov, 2011
I did the plans in powerpoint, then printscreened the slideshow and pasted in to paint and saved.
Teh house is at the top of both sets of pictures. The garden is split in to 2.
The astilbe is pink.
The bottom of the plan is where it meets the road with only a kerb in between.
The only path is round the front of my block of flats where I will be growing ten tomatoes and soem other plants.
Any more questions? Just ask.
28 Nov, 2011
I would love to help, but, I find your plans hard to visualise, perhaps you are making it too complicated using powerpoint........could you not draw the area free hand, showing your house and the boundaries (does not have to be brilliant) and stating North, South etc.also how large the garden is would help, you could use felt tips, then photograph it, then post? hope this helps.
30 Nov, 2011
Yes, it is difficult to get any feeling for scale and size. Is your compost heap really up against the house wall? And your storage area is next to the pavement without any boundary? Is the astilbe really almost as big as the storage area? And are there really those big spaces between the plants?
Whether your planting works is really a matter for your personal taste. Have you considered spring and autumn - most of your planting seems to be summer flowering and there seems to be little for the other seasons.I would consider adding at least one evergreen. In a small plot like this it is a good idea to have one or two things that are of interest in more than one season. What will you do with the sweet pea plot when they are finished? Perhaps some bulbs for spring? Sorry not to be more constructive but it is really hard to visualise.
1 Dec, 2011
I do understand that it may be hard to visualise, and the pictures are not to scale.
Spring bulbs are already in place, and will appear in the plots where I have put the Summer plants.
The plots are a lot thinner than could be shown on powerpoint.
I am terrible at drawing, but may try and see how the hand-drawing works out.
1 Dec, 2011
BBC design your garden (online), have a look see what you think? it might give you some ideas, you can download any of the plans and save them to you computer. It will also help you to draw a plan, you do not have to be good at drawing.......honestly!!
1 Dec, 2011
Thanks DD.
2 Dec, 2011
Your welcome.....
2 Dec, 2011
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good idea to plan alex ~ i should do more of it, how did you do those shapes and put them on here?
what colour is that astilbe mighty pip??
also please can you explain which end is the house on the plans ~ sorry i couldnt work it out.
28 Nov, 2011