Refuse Collectors drive over garden
By alextb
I watched the Refuse truck coming round the corner to empty the communal bins on the estate where I live.
As I watched, I thought they looked a little close, and when I went outside I was horrified. They had driven over the garden and caused a lot of damage and mess.
Pictures below:
Clean up begins
These were sadly not salvageable, some were completely flat or in pieces.
This is the best I can do.
The front looked nicer full of primroses, but due to the amount I lost, it was not possible.
I have added dianthus in between the remaining primroses, so that it doesn’t look as bare.
The caretaker was horrified when he came to see the damage. He said that there was no reason for them to have driven over it.
I phoned the Council and made a complaint and a message was passed to Waste Services, and I was told the Manager from Waste Services, should call me back.
I reported them for Criminal Damage to the Police who have given me a reference number, which will be given to the Council Insurance Department, who I have also spoken to.
The Local Councillor was on the estate and spotted me, tidying up, and was horrified to hear what had happened, and asked me to e-mail him the pictures so he could help me out.
I am waiting to hear back from The Manager at Waste Services.
I will calculate the costs incurred, and then make a claim.
4 Feb, 2014
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That is heart breaking. It is wilful vandalism. It is not as if the road is too narrow. I would ask the council to install bollards to alert drivers to the decorative area. If they would stretch to concrete or stone mushrooms that would look nice. I do hope you get recompense. That hanging basket was lucky to survive.
4 Feb, 2014
it seems if its not theirs, they dont care what happens, the driver must of thought that he was driving a big tank
4 Feb, 2014
Oh Alex I was horrified when I saw your photos. There is absolutely no excuse for what they did. I know a lot of Waste Collection companies are private operations, separate from the council, but still no excuse.
I hope they are brought to book. Good luck.
4 Feb, 2014
was it dark when this happend?
The binmen have a hell of a job to do and a lot of people dont know it but like the postmen and ladies they walk a good few miles a day but not posting clean dry mail but collecting all the waste in all weathers,
I'd the first to agree ref the damage thats been done "but i think the facts should be found before we get the rope out and have a hanging.
As i say these people who do these jobs are very much the same here in france ie you hear them before you see them and ive always tried to smile and be as friendly as i can be towards people who do these all weather jobs,
Dealing with the public isn't always as nice as it should be and after all's said and done these people are working and paying tax etc, They're not mugging old ladies or putting both hands out for the dole monies.
Ask yourself this question "how many times in the past has this mistake happend??
And then ask yourself how many times have you put things in that big communual bin on wheels that you shouldn't have????;
Everyone can make a mistake, everyone can have a bad day at the office (or out in all weathers)
4 Feb, 2014
Dungy, the weather was sunny, it was before we had more rain and some hail. There was plenty of light.
Scotsgran, the Councillor suggested maybe getting bollards or something. He would have to get permission to erect barriers from The Council's Housing Department as they own the estate grounds.
Also, the hanging basket was very lucky.
Thanks Lincslass, hopefully they will.
Pondlady, residents can't stand the attitude of the binmen, they are very rude.
Waddy, I certainly intend to claim for the costs incurred, and the Councilor will be fighting my corner.
Thanks everyone. Waste Management have not responded yet. I will have to wait until tomorrow.
4 Feb, 2014
Its ok Dungy we're not going to hang anyone, just showing our support for Alex, I for one know that its not the first time its happened to his garden....
4 Feb, 2014
I'm glad you are taking it further Alex. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with that.
I remember you've also had this trouble in the past ...
4 Feb, 2014
Yes Hywel and Linclass, this isn't the first time. This is the worst though.
The first time they denied everything, and the case was closed.
This time I have photos and the Councillor is on board.
4 Feb, 2014
That is so not good. they should be made to put it right and give you compensation for all you plants :0(
4 Feb, 2014
I don't think the driver would look as good as the hanging basket Dungy so we'll let him off, but an apology would not go amiss. Drivers are usually well trained before being allowed to drive something that big.
4 Feb, 2014
Ive noticed from your picture a line of cars on the right hand side as you view the picture, is there a parking issue here, ie did the hgv have enough room to get through?
4 Feb, 2014
Dungy, yes the driver did have more than enough room, and he has done so without mishap for a very long time.
The caretaker could find no reason as to why the lorry ended up on the garden.
The parked cars were not in the way.
The line of cars you mention is on the left and side after he mounted the garden. At the time of passing the cars he was already back on the road. He left a mud trail showing so.
Cmsue, I do plan on claiming against them. I have spoken to the Manager of Waste Services and she has requested the pictures, and will then speak to the line manager for the collection team.
The Councillor is very proactive and successful.
5 Feb, 2014
Its very sad and infuriating after you'd got it so nice. Can you put in some kind of edging that sticks up to make the edge more noticeable? However try to count your blessings - it was primroses that were squashed. When it happened to us it was our younger son...
5 Feb, 2014
OH NO Steragram! I hope he wasn't too badly injured.
In the past the edging fencing has been damaged.
Multiple times a decorative green edging fencing was bent out of shape, and twice bamboo edging fencing was smashed. All by refuse vehicles. So now I have given up.
5 Feb, 2014
Sitting in a refuse lorry reversing could mean that his reversing mirror on the left side was not angled properly, and therefore he did not see the garden area.
Therefore it was driver error, and you are entitled to compensation and an apology.
5 Feb, 2014
how awful. did they stop or just drive off? You've made a good job of repairing the border.
5 Feb, 2014
It is such a shame that this happened because the bed looked so pretty.
You made a wonderful job of tidying it up and I trust that you will get an apology at least from the council.
5 Feb, 2014
Lijemc, they just drove off.
Wildrose, you would think that I would get at least an apology.
No, instead a man from Waste Services came to my door and said there would have been a reason to drive over it, and now he will contact the Neighbourhood Manager at the Council to have the garden tarmacked over.
6 Feb, 2014
The Neighbourhood Manager and Councillor have informed me that the garden will NOT be tarmacked over.
They will decline any such requests.
6 Feb, 2014
Oh dear, they do not just upset you they want to rub your nose in it. I'm pleased to hear that the councillor and the Neighbourhood manager will uphold the residents right to have a garden. I think you should press on with insisting that they install bollards. If you don't mind me asking, how wide is the road at that point. If it is not wide enough to reverse over safely the driver should be accompanied by a banksman to ensure the driver does not kill someone. I have a lot of sympathy for HGV drivers who are under time restraints to get through their work load but this is unacceptable. Am I correct in thinking that the residents are 50+, maybe the bin area needs to be moved so that the lorry driver has no need to reverse there for his sake as well as yours.
6 Feb, 2014
Scotsgran, the road going round the estate is a U shape, so the driver's have no need to reverse, they drive round and come out the other side, so he could see clearly what he was doing.
I once heard one of the binmen say to the driver, "just drive over it". Luckily, he didn't.
The estate is a family estate with residents of all ages. They range from Newborn to 90's. I am a 23 year old male.
The road is just over 2m wide.
I am just waiting for the outcome of the insurance claim.
7 Feb, 2014
I hope it is settled soon.
7 Feb, 2014
Alexb, PM'd you.
7 Feb, 2014
Yes Scotsgran, hopefully it will be. The Neighbourhood Manager said she will come down with External Services (in charge of caretakers, graffiti removal etc...) next week and see what can be done.
The Councillor suggested bollards, which I saw you suggested earlier.
I will just have to see what the Neighbourhood Manager and External Services say.
7 Feb, 2014
If you live on a Council Estate there is an insurance co who dont pay claims to people who live on Council Estate. I have had rows about it for years. The Council get cheaper insurance by block premiums, then they tell lies to avoid paying legitimate claims.
9 Feb, 2014
Beggars belief Jent.
14 Feb, 2014
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Oh dear Alex thats such a shame as you'd made it look so nice which doesn't only benefit you, it looks good for all your neighbours as well, it looks to be careless driving on behalf of the driver, wish you luck with your councils complaints department...
If the ones in the pot still have their root system I'd pop them back in as they are pretty sturdy plants and can take a bit of rough treatment, they will probably perk up for you........
4 Feb, 2014