The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Amy2's Garden

Amy2 has added 0 reminders.

Plants Order by common name | botanical name | most recent

Abutilon Kentish Belle

Added on 12 Apr, 2018 | 1 photo


Acacia retinoides

Added on 3 Jun, 2020 | 1 photo

From Goose green 2019 £ 12.50 ANA swamp wattle

Agastache Kudos Coral

Added on 9 Aug, 2018 | 1 photo


Alcea Chaters Rose Pink

Added on 16 Oct, 2020 | 1 photo

New 2020 ...

Allium cristophii

Added on 28 Jun, 2019 | 1 photo

Carlton cherry lane 26.6.19

Allium Sphaerocephalon

Added on 14 Jul, 2019 | 1 photo


Alstromeria Dwarf princess

Added on 14 Jul, 2019 | 1 photo

was here

Amicia Zygomeris

Added on 28 Jun, 2018 | 2 photos

Brought from 'The Hollies '2018

Anemone blanda blue

Added on 21 Mar, 2019 | 1 photo

Anemone Harmony Scarlet

Added on 6 Mar, 2019 | 1 photo

Gift from Peggy Feb 2019

Apple Golden delicious Patio tree

Added on 29 Apr, 2019 | 1 photo

From "he Walled Garden " April 2019

Arbutus unedo Atlantic

Added on 31 Oct, 2019 | 1 photo

Brought with me from 'The Hollies ' January 2018 in a pot , re-planted in the garden here ..

Arenaria Blizzard Compact

Added on 10 Mar, 2020 | 1 photo


Arum italicum subsp.italicum Marmoratum

Added on 18 Aug, 2019 | 2 photos


Aruncus dioicus

Added on 15 Jun, 2022 | 1 photo

Asarum maximum Silver Panda

Added on 7 Apr, 2018 | 1 photo

Bought from previous garden 2018

Aubrieta Katie Blue

Added on 10 Mar, 2020 | 2 photos


Aucuba japonica

Added on 25 Mar, 2018 | 1 photo

£3.00 buy one get one free ..


Added on 17 Feb, 2019 | 1 photo

Baptisia Australis

Added on 15 Jun, 2022 | 1 photo

Planted 2021 first flowering 2022

Berberis Admiration

Added on 19 Jun, 2020 | 1 photo

Hardy Dwarf height 15" x 15" in 10 years

Berberis thunbergii Orange Rocket

Added on 10 Jun, 2020 | 1 photo

9/06/2020 height and spread in 10 years 3ft x20" full sun or part shade

Bird Bath

Added on 26 Jun, 2019 | 1 photo

bird bath with Thyme Caborn Wine and Roses ..
also Veronica prostrata

Blackcurrant Ben Sarek

Added on 26 Jul, 2020 | 0 photos

21.7.2020 Homestead nurseries


Added on 25 Apr, 2019 | 1 photo

In flower ,from ' The Hollies '


Added on 3 Jul, 2019 | 1 photo



Added on 23 Jun, 2020 | 1 photo

Pot plant on patio

Brunnera Alexanders Great

Added on 13 Sep, 2019 | 0 photos

1.09.2019 Homestead nursery

Californian Poppy

Added on 28 May, 2020 | 1 photo

Monarch Art Shades

Callicarpa profusion

Added on 2 Oct, 2018 | 1 photo


Callicarpa Lssai

Added on 17 Oct, 2019 | 1 photo


Added on 10 Jul, 2022 | 1 photo

Bottle brush , grown from seed ,brought with me from my previous garden ...


Added on 2 Jul, 2020 | 1 photo

Bottle Brush grown from seed from the Botanic Gardens on the Isle of wight

Camassia leichtlinii Sacajawea

Added on 23 May, 2019 | 1 photo

From Beth Chatto gardens April 2019
Has variegated foliage ..


Added on 8 Mar, 2019 | 1 photo

Inherited from previous owner ..


Added on 5 Aug, 2019 | 1 photo

first year 2019

Carex Everest

Added on 26 Jul, 2020 | 0 photos

Homestead nurseries 21.7.2020 planted in chimney pot .

Caryopteris x clandonensis Grand Blue

Added on 2 Oct, 2018 | 1 photo

2017 Mileham Nursery ..

Ceanothus Trewithan Blue

Added on 12 Apr, 2018 | 1 photo


Cercis canadensis

Added on 23 Apr, 2019 | 1 photo

Forest pansy Homestead nurseries 5/12/2018

Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy

Added on 1 Jun, 2022 | 1 photo

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Minima Aurea

Added on 20 Jan, 2020 | 1 photo

19.1.2010 Homestead nursery


Added on 1 Apr, 2020 | 1 photo

Clematis Ashva

Added on 24 May, 2020 | 1 photo

New 2019 first flower 2020 pruning group 2

Clematis Comtesse De Bouchaud

Added on 1 Jun, 2022 | 1 photo

1st year 2022

Clematis Pink Montana

Added on 7 May, 2019 | 1 photo

Inherited On Garage wall ..

Clematis Carnaby

Added on 19 May, 2020 | 1 photo

planted on arch going through to side garden 2019

Clematis Dr Ruppel

Added on 14 May, 2020 | 1 photo

1st flower May 2020

Clematis Proteus

Added on 12 Jun, 2020 | 1 photo

New 2019 Group 1 ..1st prune Feb /March cur back stem to 30cm
2nd prune Feb / March cut back stem to 1 m.. ...

Clematis The President

Added on 26 Jun, 2019 | 1 photo

New 2019 ...

Cloud Tree

Added on 7 Apr, 2020 | 1 photo

grown from cutting

Colchicum Naked Ladies

Added on 20 Sep, 2020 | 1 photo

Poets cottage nursery Lealholm Nr Whitby .
Water Lily

Cornus kousa Schmetterling

Added on 14 Jan, 2019 | 1 photo

Homestead nursery (in vars .C5 ) 12.1.2019

Cornus mas

Added on 4 Mar, 2019 | 2 photos

27. 2 .2019 Dels nursery

Corylus maxima purpurea

Added on 11 Jun, 2018 | 1 photo

The Walled Garden 2018

Cotoneaster x watereri

Added on 12 Nov, 2019 | 1 photo

new 5/11/18

Crinodendron Hookerianum

Added on 3 Aug, 2020 | 1 photo

New July 2020 , first flower 3.7.2020

Crocosmia Lucifer

Added on 10 Jul, 2019 | 1 photo

From 'The Hollies'

Cyclamen Snowridge

Added on 17 Oct, 2018 | 1 photo

From 'The Hollies ' 3 years in a sink outside

Cyclamen coum

Added on 3 Feb, 2020 | 1 photo

Brought with me from The Hollies

Cytisus battandieri

Added on 5 Aug, 2019 | 1 photo

brought in Herefordshire 1.8.2019 planted in corner of side garden

Cytisus Burkwoodii

Added on 12 Apr, 2018 | 1 photo

Broom 8.4.2018

Dahlia White onesta

Added on 10 Sep, 2019 | 1 photo

Decorative flowing height 40"


Added on 5 Feb, 2023 | 1 photo

Darmera pellata

Added on 23 Apr, 2019 | 1 photo

Brought from 'The Hollies '

Delosperma sutherlandii

Added on 21 May, 2019 | 1 photo

2019 May .. planted in gravel

Deutzia scabra Plena

Added on 26 Jun, 2018 | 1 photo

Brought with us from 'The Hollies 2018

Deutzia Strawberry Fields

Added on 26 Jun, 2019 | 1 photo

Cutting from ' The Hollies '

Dryopteris cycadina

Added on 12 Apr, 2018 | 1 photo

Evergreen shaggy shield fern 90x90 cm (35"x35"
remove old fronds in spring

Echium fastuosum

Added on 19 May, 2022 | 1 photo

A bushy shrub with grey-hairy lance-shaped leaves and dense spike-like panicles of blue flowers in spring and su...

Echium Pininana

Added on 20 May, 2019 | 1 photo

plant given to me autumn 2018

Elaeagnus x ebbingei

Added on 22 Oct, 2020 | 1 photo

Oleaster fragrant flowers ,evergreen 4x4 m
L.Swann Nursery Bromeswell Oct 2020


Added on 12 Apr, 2018 | 1 photo

elfenbloem ( barrenwort ) 8.4.2018

Epimedium elfenbloem

Added on 13 May, 2019 | 1 photo

New 2019

Eremurus bungei

Added on 26 Jun, 2019 | 1 photo

Brought from ' The Hollies '

Erigeron Karvinskianus

Added on 23 Jun, 2020 | 1 photo

Eryngium x zabelii Big Blue

Added on 27 Sep, 2020 | 1 photo

The walled garden Saxmundham August 2020 x 3 plants


Added on 3 Aug, 2018 | 1 photo

pot plant brought from 'The Hollies'

Euonymus Green Rocket

Added on 21 Apr, 2020 | 1 photo

for my records cuttings taken 2019 ... well rooted ..

Euphorbia Amy Purpurea

Added on 7 May, 2019 | 2 photos

2019 new ..

Fatsia jap. Spiders Web

Added on 12 Apr, 2018 | 1 photo


Ficus carica Ice Crystal

Added on 8 Sep, 2020 | 1 photo

The walled garden nursery 6.9.2020 label states :-

New and unusual fig with eye catching foliage that turns...

Filipendula rubra Venusia Magnifica

Added on 10 Jul, 2019 | 1 photo

Brought from 'The Hollies '

Forsythia hedge

Added on 14 Apr, 2020 | 1 photo

No name , was here when we moved in ...

French Marigold

Added on 20 Jun, 2018 | 1 photo

seed from Paul New York 2018

Fritillaria meleagris Alba

Added on 11 Apr, 2020 | 1 photo

Galanthus regina -olgae

Added on 31 Oct, 2019 | 1 photo

A gift from BJS in 2012

Geranium Johnsons Blue

Added on 23 Jun, 2020 | 1 photo

Grass Carex Everest

Added on 20 Jun, 2018 | 1 photo

Homestead nurseries 19.6.2018

Griselinia littoralis

Added on 25 Mar, 2018 | 1 photo

Times 2 shrubs .. 23.3.2018

Griselinia littoralis

Added on 25 Mar, 2018 | 0 photos

2 evergreen shrubs for fence covers ..

Hebe Green Globe

Added on 10 Mar, 2020 | 1 photo

Early Dawn 8.3.2020

Helianthemum Banbury

Added on 15 Jun, 2020 | 1 photo

Rock rose 2019


Added on 18 Feb, 2019 | 1 photo

from The Hollies

Helleborus Orientalis

Added on 24 Feb, 2019 | 1 photo


Helleborus Silver Dollar

Added on 24 Feb, 2020 | 1 photo


Helleborus Harvington Mellow Yellow

Added on 17 Mar, 2020 | 1 photo

Brought from ' The Hollies '

Hellebourus Blue Lady

Added on 4 Feb, 2022 | 2 photos

I brought a piece of this with me from my previous garden , it's just becoming a nice size ..

Hepatica noblis Pink

Added on 28 Feb, 2020 | 0 photos

seed originally from Brian ( BGS )

Hepatica noblis

Added on 14 Feb, 2019 | 1 photo

Brought from 'The Hollies '