Arcadio's Profile

About me
My garden - backyard would be more accurate - is just 15 blocks from the central square. It's on a hill, though, and there are no skyscrapers in the neighborhood, yet. The house was built in 1930 and there are some trees that may be older; one bay tree has many trunks -- it must have been a mere bush decades ago -- but each trunk measures now 12 to 15 inches diameter. There are two indigo jacarandaes, a purple bauhinia, and an italian cypress. A year ago I planted a gingko biloba and a pin oak. I am still trying to convince the latter he has his roots lodged in a comfortable low PH soil, but I see him always hesitant as to thrift or not, and indifferent to pine needles and peat. I love my trees but they leave few sunny places. There are four cone-shaped buxus on the right and four cone-shaped teucriums on the left (vaguely reminding french topiary). Against the old brick walls some roses and climbers (petrea, plumbago, blue, white and pink thunbergia, stephanotis floribunda) have managed to survive. A narrow lawn is bordered by perennials.
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Joined in Apr 2011
Country: Argentina
County/State: Córdoba