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Latest gardening blogs
Introducing myself
My garden is in need of some TLC and so joining this site has already given me inspiration...
Tomato Plants
This year I grew a variety of tomato plants called Vanessa. I have been growing...
Flipping foxes!
If anyone's got any tips on how to stop foxes digging and pooping in my vegetable...
Facebook testers
Facebook for gardeners. Whowodathunkit?
Any of you members of Facebook? Want...
bean gone
I always think when you take up your bean plants, winter is just around the corner....
Love your garden?
Shop carefully for your seeds, save seeds, swop seeds.
check out this link
Butternut squash
If like me you have grown any a helpful tip when peeling put them in the micro wave...
no flowers
Oh dear
I have looked at all of your pretty sites all covered with pics of flowers.There...