Early Spring Garden
Just a few views of my garden in Early Spring. Gradually things are waking up and...
Spring shoots.
Took a few snaps of things starting to show some shoots and some new growth.
Alls Good Now.....
Thankyou all for the comments on my last blog, I'm pleased to say eye has healed...
My new tree!
I have always loved Amalenchier trees and had six of them going down the long path...
my garden now
I've stopped the sculptures as my garden is pretty full and cement isn't getting...
Baby Houseplants
Since Christmas I have started a new hobby, plant-related, and that is growing houseplants....
From this:
to this:
in 4 days...
Anyone got their gardening mojo back yet?
Repotting Orchids
When the orchid compost arrived I spent an hour repotting the 3 I have in the kitchen.
Feathered friends.
For the last few days our feathered friends have been keeping me company.
Two robins...