leek moth
By bigfrank
hi , first ever blog . I read the comments on the leek moth and I can confirm that they have reached Wednesbury in the West Midlands -—all my 80 or so leeks have been total ruined
22 Dec, 2011
Hi, Frank. Merry Christmas!
Leek moth? I haven't heard about those - are they notifiable?
23 Dec, 2011
Hi Terratoonie , I hope I am answering this blog ok. I dont think at this moment that I will be growing leaks again until there's some sort of insect-aside it was so disappointing having grown them from seed to see them totally ruined.
Gatina , I do not think they are notifiable A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
23 Dec, 2011
Hi Bigfrank..
Yes, you are answering the blog exactly in the right way.
You're better at this than you think ..ha ha
It seems a good idea to take a break from growing leeks until you have more information...
I guess there's plenty of other fruit and veg you can try growing next year ...
Good luck with your gardening in 2012. :o)
23 Dec, 2011
Hi Bigfrank...
Congrats. on your first-ever blog ..
Interesting to know the leek moth has reached Wednesbury...
Better luck with growing your next batch of leeks ...
... or has that experience deterred you from the idea of trying again ?
Merry Christmas. :o)
22 Dec, 2011