Fuchsias, just so easy to grow.
By bikerbob
Hi, As a lot of you already know Sue (cmsue) and i live in a terraced house with just a tiny front garden, we also have a small backyard too. One of our biggest problems is, being close to so many people and their Cats, we have around 6-7 of them living within 80 yards of us.If you know anything about Cats you’ll know they never soil there own gardens, always some one elses, especially if you use Compost (as we do) as its much easier to dig into.A few years ago we devised a simple way to deter them (pepper spray, Garlic, mothballs etc get washed away) we try to use Rose cuttings stuck into the ground around pots etc. Very occasionally we run out of Rose bits and have to resort to broken bamboo canes and sticks.
So last Autumn (early November) we emptied our Tubs and Baskets and planted up our Daffodils, Narsissus, and Hyacinth bulbs again with canes and Rose cuttings but these ran out, so there were lots of plant cuttings from our prunings the weekend before lying about, they came in handy too.
Amongst them were a few bare Fuchsia cuttings (all sorts) and they went in.Now some 8-9 weeks later behold
So, just about all of them have actually rooted and started shooting all over. how much easier is it than that?
Finally here is a picture of our Snowdrops that one of Sue’s GOY friends kindly sent us.
24 Jan, 2013
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Its a big WOW here as well, you lucky people.
I am useless at Fuschia cuttings and yet I am always popping bits of trimmed plants and shrubs in any old space just to give them a chance, been doing that for years and gained lots of plants and shrubs, seeing your results I guess its time to do that with my fuschias...
24 Jan, 2013
I'm pleased about your fuchsia cuttings :o) Good luck with them ... Looking forward to seeing them flowering in the summer ...
Now I must defend cats. Mine only goes in my own garden, because I make it cat friendly. I see her going there. I've also asked my neighbours and apparently she never goes in any of their gardens :o)
24 Jan, 2013
Hope they were hardy fuschias ;)
24 Jan, 2013
Hi Hywel, If all Cats did that it would be fine but they don't, two of the four houses with Cats near us have their gardens wholley Concreted.
Lisal, They are all sorts, as the prunings were from the 7 pots and four Garden plants that were growing in the front. 5 nights frost have not deterred them yet!!!
24 Jan, 2013
Thats wonderful Bikerbob comming through and taken already I ll have to try it out the little snow drop is lovely well done Sue and see your bulbs are comming up successfully to can't wait for them to be in bloom.
24 Jan, 2013
I can't understand the mentality of people with concrete gardens :o( especially if they've got cats !
24 Jan, 2013
Along similar lines but with roses instead of fuchsias .... On 6th January I picked the remaining half-dozen rose buds that I'd left when pruning before to make a table decoration. Several days later I realised there were shoots coming from lower down the stems. The rose buds are now long gone, but I kept the stems with shoots in water and they're romping away. Soon I will transfer them to a pot of compost and hope for further development. Meanwhile, all my rose prunings are laid on the soft earth where plants are yet to fill out! Bl***y Cats!!
25 Jan, 2013
I have a large Litter Tray, haul heavy bags of Catsan home from Sainsburys every 3 months, and my Persian cat never goes outside. It costs money, but I know she is safe.
Also I clean under her tail every time she defecates with a moist wipe. Theres worse jobs in hospitals involving humans !
Its not the cat's fault, its the owners.
Cats are naturally clean animals. If I were Biker Bob I would put a litter tray under a shelter for them to use, and see if they find it and use it.
25 Jan, 2013
Thats brilliant!
you should market that idea Bob!
25 Jan, 2013
The fuchsias look great. I also use sticks, canes, etc. but not to deter cats as I have 2 of my own. I use them to deter the squirrels digging up all my bulbs!
My cats must be odd as they do their business in my garden. I can't say they don't do it in neighbours gardens, but I always look at it as free fertiliser.
25 Jan, 2013
we have 2 neighbours with 5 or is it 7 cats. I wish they'd encourage litter trays in their gardens. I dont see why I should be responsible for their pet's toilet duties. this was especially true when my girls were little and enjoyed playing in the garden. cat mess is not pleasant at all. I got to the point where I threw what I found back over the hedge. They were not impressed.
apart from that I often use twigs to support floppy plants.
25 Jan, 2013
Hi Seaburner, all, Funnily enough a few years ago, our then neighbor had a Cat that regularly used our garden not there's, so we used to pick it up and leave it on there steps, a few interesting evening home comings produced cursing and swearing but did the trick, not sure what happened but we never saw the Cat again after 4 nights of this.
25 Jan, 2013
Ha ha !
26 Jan, 2013
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Wow! and to think I tried taking cuttings using the 'proper' method! I'll do it this way in future.
24 Jan, 2013