They are so sweet. I here people say it all the time
By bjs
But they do not have the numbers I have or they are not gardeners . what am i refering to the Grey Squirrel. worse than any slug snail or weed.
Some years back as trees around me became larger one or two showed up and were a bit of a novelty and people around started feeding them.
Peanuts were bought by the sack I am sure, so they decided plenty of food lets breed here,now they have reached plague proportions at first they buried there peanuts in the pots ( they still do this ) often forgeting them and up poped a peanut plant if this was a small pot it involves tipping the plant out as the Peanut root system is vast.then they turned there attention to the conkers and buried them. so the following spring I had to go around lifting and digging them out. Last year not a single conker fell to the floor they ate them all green on the trees but still they uproot freshly planted plants and scrape seedlings out of containers. Not content with this they moved into the roof space of the elderly lady next door an ate through her electric cables.
Now i have to cover with mesh lots of things and its a job i can do without.
Jamie unless he can corner them on the gound has no chance to date he has only managed to kill one and that he tossed around like a cat does with a mouse and he got into trouble for going into the house with blood on his nose.
I feel better now.
16 May, 2009
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Know exactly what you mean Bjs. The "tree rat" is an absolute menace here. We have an oak tre, and the damd thing keeps burying the acorns in our garden and pots...........Any peanuts that we put out for the birds are now hung on a length of wire at least 2 ft suspended from the branch in the tree. Thats got him beaten.
16 May, 2009
I would be thrilled to see a red one .I am afraid the greys have killed most of them.
16 May, 2009
rats with fluffy tails! theu dig up my blbs sometimes too.
but when they are playing tig around the tree they do 'entertain' the kids.
16 May, 2009
~ it's a shame you have to go to such lengths to protect your pots etc ~ whoever's idea it was to import them from the US should have been shot~however it's not their fault that they are here and running rampant~man interferes with nature at his peril! There are always knock on consequences!However there are still reds in Northumberland Cumbria and Scotland and in Northumberland they were operating a policy of trapping and killing the greys in order to protect the reds.Not sure if that is still being enforced.It's the virus they carry that kills the reds who have no immunity to it and the fact they are better at surviving.
16 May, 2009
Arlene the grey squirrels - furry tailed rats - have extended their territory into most of Scotland. They have now almost reached the area where we live north of Aviemore. They are being trapped and killed but...
17 May, 2009
that's so very sad.!
17 May, 2009
grey squirrels are actually game,therefore feel free to buy an air rifle and stock up your freezer,feb,march and april are the best times for a purge.theyre plump from all the new bulbs theyve eaten and from all the nuts theyve eaten over winter.
17 May, 2009
My husband calls them Rats with good PR*- we don't see them much in this neck of the woods - what about one of those sound deterrent thingys you can buy in B&Q don't know anything about them - although if you have cats and dogs it would frighten them too
17 May, 2009
In many parks and estates they have to cull them because they kill trees by gnawing the tops of them. Cute as they are they are still a pest.
17 May, 2009
Glad i haven't got them, only ever seen one and our old cat caught it!! Bye bye squirrel (sorry)
17 May, 2009
my hubby was bitten on the finger by a grey furry rat when he was very young, he had to bash it against a tree to get it to let go... havent seen any in our area but Im sure if there was one hubby would be there like a shot with i think he calls them "2 boar" a big gun I think
x x x
17 May, 2009
I have problems with squirrels digging up my bulbs and any other small plants in ther way, a local man feeds them monkey nuts and I'm forever finding them all over the place, so I do feel for you. I put a pot of seeds out once, as soon as they germinated a squirrel dug the whole lot out - I'll not make that mistake again, wire netting is the way forward. I have also found several small bones (5cm) buried in my pots and borders, they were all similar looking, though I couldn't identify them - does anyone have any idea what would be doing this?
20 May, 2009
If i did not live a 100 miles away you could have blamed my dog.
20 May, 2009
I was going to tick i like . The blog is very good but those squirrels are pests.
8 Jul, 2012
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Oh dear,I will admit that when I see a squirrel I am absolutely thrilled especially a red one, but even the greys are a novelty,however if I was in your shoes and they were a menace in my garden I would probably feel very differently.....
16 May, 2009