Picea glauca 'Echiniformis'
Added on 26 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; White spruce.
True form, and not to be confused with the many mariana clones masquerading under this name.
Picea glauca 'Ed Hurle'
Added on 26 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; White spruce.
cultivar origin USA. material received from Brita Johansson, Vargon, Sweden.
Picea x saaghyi 'HB'
Added on 28 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: hybrid; Picea jezoensis x Picea glauca.
Abies pinsapo 'Tuarek' (wb no.4)
Added on 18 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: species; common name; Spanish Fir.
Plant received from Henk van kempen. Holland, Oct 2008.