Bluespruce's Profile

About me
Started my garden at Foxhollow in 1998, and although my interest is in all plants, my passion is for growing and collecting dwarf and ornamental conifers. The garden also contains good collections of ornamental grasses, which in my opinion are one of the major plant species that associate and compliment conifers to their best advantage. There are now over 1200 different conifer varieties to be found at Foxhollow, mainly grafted varieties such as Abies, Cedrus, Picea and Pinus, and is probably one of the most comprehensive collections anywhere in the UK. Please feel free to browse my website for further information. Happy gardening to all.
Left Foxhollow in 2014/15, now live just outside Leicester, much smaller garden these days, but still growing and collecting same plants on a much reduced scale, although many Acers have been added this time around to give the garden something a little different.
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Joined in Mar 2007
Country: United Kingdom
County: Leicestershire