Pinus banksiana 'Midge'
Added on 29 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Jack pine.
Scions from John Proudfoot,Methven, Scotland 2004-05
Pinus banksiana 'Vladar'
Added on 29 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Jack pine.
Scions received from Jan Beran, Czech Rep, 2002
Pinus thunbergii 'Thunderhead'
Added on 17 Feb, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Japanese Black pine.
Plant from Jon Tate, Lime Cross Nursery, 2007
Pinus pumila 'Blue Lamp'
Added on 15 Jan, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Japanese stone pine.
John Proudfoot introduction
Pinus pumila 'Blue Note'
Added on 15 Jan, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Japanese stone pine.
John Proudfoot introduction
Pinus parviflora 'Betsy' (FW-4)
Added on 5 Jan, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Japanese white pine.
One of a series of selected dwarf seedlings raised by John Proudfoot, Methven,Perthshire, Scotland by cross pol...
Pinus parviflora 'Bunty'
Added on 5 Jan, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Japanese white pine.
John Proudfoot introduction.
Pinus parviflora 'Cuddles'
Added on 5 Jan, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Japanese white pine.
John Proudfoot introduction.
Pinus parviflora 'Iona'
Added on 6 Jan, 2008 | 1 photo
Species: common name; Japanese white pine.
John Proudfoot introduction
Pinus parviflora 'Kusu-dama'
Added on 6 Jan, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Japanese white pine.
Plant received from Henk van Kempen, Holland, Sept 2007.
Pinus parviflora 'MHH8'
Added on 6 Jan, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Japanese white pine.
John Proudfoot introduction
Pinus parviflora 'Myo-jo'
Added on 6 Jan, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Japanese white pine.
Plant received from Henk van Kempen, Holland, Sept 2007.
Cupressus cashmeriana
Added on 13 Nov, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; kashmir Cypress.
1 year graft from Jon Tate, Lime Cross Nursery, 2008.
Abies boris-regis 'JK Greece'
Added on 18 Oct, 2008 | 0 photos
Species: common name; King Boris Fir.
Plant received from Henk van Kempen, Holland, Oct 2008.
Pinus koraiensis 'Fatsy'
Added on 30 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Korean pine.
Scions from Brita Johansson, Vargon, Sweden.2006
Pinus koraiensis 'Silvergrey'
Added on 30 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Korean pine.
Listed by Kenwith Nursery, no other info on the origins of this plant.
Pinus bungeana 'June's Broom'
Added on 29 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Lacebark pine.
Small plant received from Henk van Kempen, Holland, 2007.