Picea abies 'Florian'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Robert and Roman Holata, Kouty, Czech Rep, March 2007.
Picea abies 'Four Winds'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 1 photo
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Plant purchased from Kenwith Nursery, Oct 1995
Picea abies 'Gamshutte'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Plant received from Jiri Balatka during a visit to the Czech Rep, Oct,2007.
Picea abies 'Gold Drift'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Discovered as a golden sport on P.a.'Reflexa' by Bob Fincham, Coenosium Gardens Washington State, USA.
Picea abies 'Gunnar Kry'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Britta Johansson, Vargon, Sweden, March 2007.
Picea abies 'Hunneberg WB' (105G)
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Originated from a witches' broom, Brita Johansson, Vargon ,Sweden. My plant sent by John Proudfoot, Methven,...
Picea abies 'Kacov'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Robert and Roman Holata, Kouty, Czech Rep, March 2007.
Picea abies 'Kettle'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Cultivar origin, USA RL2007
Picea abies 'Krmelec'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Robert and Roman Holata, Kouty, Czech Rep, March 2007.
Picea abies 'Krtiny'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Robert and Roman Holata, Kouty, Czech Rep, March 2007.
Picea abies 'Leos'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Robert and Roman Holata, Kouty, Czech Rep, March 2007.
Picea abies 'Luz'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Picea abies 'Macarana'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Jan Slama, Ostrava, Czech Rep, March/April, 2007.
Picea abies 'Mauthneralm'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 2 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
scions received from Wiel Linssen, Baexem, Holland, 2002/03.
Picea abies 'Melechov 7'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Robert and Roman Holata, Kouty, Czech Rep. March 2007.
Picea abies 'Millbrook'
Added on 24 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Cultivar origin, USA. RL2007.
Picea abies 'Park'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Robert and Roman Holata, March 2007.
Picea abies 'Piskowitz'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from John Proudfoot, Methven, Scotland,2004/05.
Picea abies 'Pitzi 3'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 1 photo
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Cultivar origin, from a WB found by Jorg Kohout, Germany.
Picea abies 'Pramen-Kalisek'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Plant received from Jiri Balatka during a visit to the Czech Rep, Oct 2007.
Picea abies 'Sasa'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Plant received from Anthoine Clement, Belgium, 2006.
Picea abies 'Slavar'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
scions received from Jan Slama, Ostrava, Czech Rep, from a new WB, March 2007.
Picea abies 'St. James Broom'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 1 photo
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Plant purchased from Kenwith Nursery Oct 1995.
Picea abies 'Strevcek'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Plant received from Jiri Balatka, during a visit to the Czech Rep, Oct 2007.
Picea abies 'Sigi' (Franz)
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 1 photo
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
From a WB found by Franz Estelstorfer, Austria, scions received from Jan Beran, Czech Rep, March 2001.
Picea abies 'Sisak'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Jan Slama, Ostrava ,Czech Rep, for a new WB, March 2007.
Picea abies 'Svinna'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 1 photo
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Jan Beran,Czech Rep, March 2002.
Picea abies 'Titti'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 1 photo
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Brita Johansson, Vargon, Sweden.
Picea abies 'Typner'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
one year rooted cutting from Robert and Roman Holata, plus grafted plant from Jiri Balatka during visit to Czech...
Picea abies 'Vaclav'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Plant received from Jan Slama, Ostrava, Czech Rep.
Picea abies 'Van Bemmel'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Plant received from Brita Johansson ,Vargon, Sweden.
Picea abies 'Voznice'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 0 photos
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
Scions received from Jan Beran, Czech Rep,new WB 2004
Picea abies 'Wichtel'
Added on 25 Dec, 2007 | 1 photo
Species: common name; Norway spruce.
From a witches' broom on P.a. Humilis on the Rock garden at Hilliers Gardens, Hampshire, propagated and name...