Boffy's Profile

About me
love my first garden. always lived in a flat so the opportunity to have a garden is a dream.
i have now been gardening for 17 years now.
my garden is a very small town garden measuring 10x15 feet so more a patio than a real garden.
i have very shallow borders but have managed to grow 3 very large shrub roses and numerous clematis where i can.
obviously i love my pots and grow quite large shubs in them.i have a hydrandae (17 years old) and a camilia (15 years old)
i am very new to this site but i have really enjoyed reading your stories and looking at the wonderfull photos that have been posted.
this year for the first time i have sown some tomato seeds and they are really tall around 3 feet and just starting to flower. i have a couple of fruits aroun 4 mm lol.
i cannot wait to enjoy some virtual gardening stories and swopping tips.thanks for reading.
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Joined in Aug 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: London