By boydie
hi again, to all my friends out there, I would like to leave a few quotes, especially to the more mature. 1. Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breaths away.
2. Surround yourself with what you love,family,pets,hobbies,music, plants,keepsakes,whatever.your home is your refuge.
3. Keep learning.learn more about crafts,gardening,the computer,never let the brain get idle.“an idle mind is the devils workshop”,& the devils name is ALZHEIMER,S.
4.Tell the folk you love that you love them,at every opportunity.
5.Throw out the nonessential numbers, like age, weight &height, let the doctors worry about them, thats what you pay them for.
6.keep only cheerful friends, the grouches pull you down,enjoy the simple things,
7.cherish your health,if it is good,preserve it if it,s unstable,improve it, if you cant improve it, get help, be alive while you are alive.
8.Finally, Laugh often,long & loud, laugh until you gasp for breath.
Author Unknown.
Well I hope all like these,I thought they were wonderful, so enjoy!
30 Jan, 2009
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I can never remember these gems when I am all at sea.
30 Jan, 2009
I do like ,thankyou.........
30 Jan, 2009
Very good points to keep in mind Boydie. I like too.
31 Jan, 2009
My own live-by quote is "embrace the day." I'm just a youngster of 65 now but I know I will continue to greet each future day as a wonderful new adventure.
31 Jan, 2009
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- new converts
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Good advise!
30 Jan, 2009