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Thank youall for your wishes. I will indeed have a good holiday and if it is half as good as last time I will not want to leave, but although we say that there really is no place like home, is there?…

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You're right there Breda. It's very nice to go on holiday but it's also nice to come home. There's nothing like your own bed!! ;-))

31 May, 2012


I always want to come home after a week

31 May, 2012


I`m usually alright until I start packing things up again then I just want to go immediately, you have a great time Breda...

31 May, 2012


You are right there. I never want to go on a holiday - I'd be too homesick lol

31 May, 2012


During my later working years I avidly looked forward to holidaying here, in the Picos. Now I live here - so I'm constantly 'on holiday.'

1 Jun, 2012

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