Bullfinch's Profile

About me
I am retired and am enjoying refurbishing the garden.
I think I may find this site helpful for the future.
I have a flower/shrub garden with lots of trees, the trees are slowly coming down to let in more light, great fun.
At last I have control of the garden, I like Hanging Baskets and unusual plants, this year for the first time I have grown Coleous and they (2) are beautiful. A freind found this site for me and passed it on because I asked her about the Bottle Brush, I have two I want to move to another part of the garden, they are quite big, the proper name for them is Callistemon, she found the info for me on this site, so thanks very much, it came from Bamboo
Thanks Bamboo, great help.
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Joined in Sep 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Dorset