Butterfly25's Profile
About me
Hi i am a late gardener although i have always dabbled lol in the dirt. but never kept the enthusiasm for very long. And then we moved to the country and through the wonders of freecycle i was given a greenhouse. It has totally changed my life. I then had some raised bed made and last year grew lots of veggies. Most of them we did not eat we just threw in seeds and brought on in the greenhouse it was great fun. But this year we are more sensible things are nearly the right distance apart and only growing stuff we like to eat. I put my name down for an allotment never thinking for a minute we would get one. But we did just a half size plot that had never been worked but we have dug and turned and toiled hard and now we have potatoes and onions and soon to be garlic, oh and we have a gooseberry bush. Well thats me in a nutshell oh i am a grandmother and bringin up my two grandaughters 7 and 9 and they are involved every step of the way. Pheeeeew xxxx lol
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Joined in Apr 2010
Country: United Kingdom
County: Cambridgeshire