Week 2
By canoequeen
Well made it to the allotment two days running this weekend – no domestic disasters to prevent it. (Thankfully)
Saturday 21st March
Had some help in the form of my daughter and her boyfriend and today Sam worked on the piece I dug last weekend, breaking it down much finer so it’s almost ready to plant, whilst David and I started on the other end. We moved the tarpaulin over and the ground was nice and moist – much easier to dig. I skimmed off the grass whilst David dug it over. Spent three hours then got dragged home as the kids had had enough. Still not a bad days work though.
David and I working on the piece that had been under a tarpaulin for a week
This is the patch I dug last week after sam had spent some time breaking it down.
Sunday 22nd March Mothers Day.
Had some nice presents off the kids then went down the allotment on my own for some piece and quite. Gave last weeks patch another turning over finishing off the breaking down process and clearing out all the couch grass roots. Got two bucket fulls off this small piece of ground.
Planted out 26 onion sets – feels good now I have my first crops in place.
Then moved to the other end that David and I dug yesterday. Started on the process of breaking this down smaller and then re-pegged the tarpaulin in another spot ready for the next dig.
I will have to rush down during the week after work if it doesn’t rain, to keep my onions watered as I don’t want to loose them now. I work till 5 but then Mondays and Tuesdays I have to leave for my evening classes by 6.30 so will just have time to dash round if needed. Wednesday I run a Cub pack so may have to pop down when it’s dark if they need watering.
Thursday is “Fat Club” all this digging and running about watering better help the weight loss this week!!!.
Away camping next weekend so won’t get much more done in the way of digging for two weeks. Will have to get down late Sunday afternoon after we get back to water and check on the state of things.
Hopefully Dad will be down in three weeks with the cultivator he has promised me.
Hope to get some carrots in the newley dug spot the weekend after next. Roll on the lighter evenings and the end of March when one of my evening classes finishes.
22 Mar, 2009
Previous post: My Little Bit Of Paradise
Its coming along wonderfully. What a lot of work. Well done.
23 Mar, 2009
That's a lot of work - glad you could get the onions in! I'm also trying to lose weight - down 4 lbs so far which isn't much but still...so good luck to you with that!
23 Mar, 2009
You're very busy. I hope you can keep up with it all. There's nothing nicer then fresh food from the garden ( or allotment ).
23 Mar, 2009
Brilliant! All that hard work and care will pay off I'm sure.
23 Mar, 2009
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It's all progressing very nicely - well done.
23 Mar, 2009