Wagger's Profile

About me
I've had the same garden for over twenty years and it has been through many phases. I had little interest in gardening at first which was a bit unfortunate as the whole plot is nearly a third of an acre. Why did I buy it? It backs on to a large woodland which is criss-crossed with public footpaths which are not much used, mainly by dog-walkers. It's also in a lovely hilltop Chilterns village (over six hundred feet above sea level which in growing terms means everything as about two weeks behind).
I now have a large pond - infested with duck weed curtesy of the mallards which nest here most years. I love herbacious perennials though my choice is limited because of the amount of shade from the woodland and the rambling roses which I also love.
Hobbies are reading, TV (mainly documentaries), genealogy and plant propagation.
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Joined in Nov 2008
Country: United Kingdom
County: Buckinghamshire