Casey's Profile

About me
housewife /homehelp/carer.
I enjoy gardening, but not very experienced.I have been lucky to have had lots of tips from the people i care for,also several bits and pieces of plants to put in my garden,which are lovely reminders of them, as sadly a few have passed on.One gentlemen was a member of the Horticultural society,and he had a small booklet published.
He was also the one to introduce me to one of my favourite plants,Dierama,also known as fairy fishing rod.
that is something i would like some help with ,as i have one that has grown so big,i would like some tips on what to do with it. I have cut it as it grows so big,i have been told if i split it ,it will not flower for three years, so i just give it a haircut instead.Any advice will be gratefully received.
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Joined in Feb 2009
Country: United Kingdom