Rain is spoiling my flowers!
By celandine
Thinking about Mikec’s nice blog and all the comments, I thought I would go out and look at the garden. Unfortunately it started to rain heavily and has continued most of the day. Now eveything is soggy and the flowers are all hanging down. Its so sad after all the effort! I know some of them will recover but others will go mouldy. As I write the rain is still pouring down and I can’t go out. What a misery I am!!!!
31 Jul, 2008
Next post: Photo problems
It's rained without stop here for two days. It hasn't even eased off atall. And it's been heavy rain aswell. I have topsoil to bring in but I don't think I'll ever be able to do it. Plants do tend to recover mostly so perhaps we can look forward to seeing them after the rain stops - eventually.
31 Jul, 2008
Much the same here! A wet walk with Henry and no gardening. The petals have fallen off my new Dahlia :-( and everything looks sad. Better tomorrow? Let's hope so!
31 Jul, 2008
Sorry to hear that Celandine. It is disheartening to see everything droopy or smashed down from heavy rains. When I see this in my garden I say to myself, OK.. this comes with the program and mother nature is always going to have her way. Bloyden is right, most plants perk right up.
31 Jul, 2008
We're just glad to have a respite from all the watering. The heat was ferocious for a few days. Even so, the rain doesn't get to all the pots so there's still some hand watering - especially of the lower tiers in the multi-tiered baskets. I must look daft with a watering can in the rain!!
31 Jul, 2008
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one!
Its true - I thought I would have to water today again but I don't think so now. Thanks everyone for cheering me up!
31 Jul, 2008
I was hoping for rain but id didn't come. We have had dry 35+C for a week, and the ground is dry (mind you it's a big improvement on last year when it was dry for months). Frustratingly it was bucketing down in Budapest 25km away, but not here. It's also humidly uncomfortable. Oh well keep watering. I guess we are never satisfied because not many of us have perfect conditions. I Think we should not grumble but face it as a challenge. I do agree constant rain is discouraging.
1 Aug, 2008
Oh horrors! Not me Marguerite, and Chrispook I'm with you. It's supposed to be in the 90s today here and very humid. There will be no gardening for me...just can't take it. We need the rain....send some over the pond will you who are having too much....I'll gladly ship our 80 & 90s AND humidity to change the lay of the land for you all! :)
1 Aug, 2008
Hello 1198,
Where does the number come from?
Now I feel much better - it is obviously much worse where you are. I don't like high temperatures or humidity although its been pretty humid here lately.At least it stopped raining today and a nice breeze blew!
1 Aug, 2008
OOooooh no it didn't! Well, it did for about an hour - so Husband got a little more grass cut and I planted three Lupins - I am trying them again!
1 Aug, 2008
i feel the same way Celandine, i went out in between the heavy showers and most of the plants are looking so forlorn with there heads hanging down
31 Jul, 2008