How to clean your grass (REAL and artificial)
By cleandude
Cleaning the grass on your patio can be important, especially if you have a family and a family pet. If you have a pet that poops on the grass, you might not want you own children rolling around it.
To clean REAL grass you need:
•hose/pressure washer/bucket(s) of water
Depending on how much grass you have, decided how many gallons of water you’ll need to clean it. Mix in 4-10 oz of bleach per gallon.
To actually clean the grass, you will want to pick up any litter or any rubbish. Next, hose down the grass and pour your bleach sollution all over the grass. Leave it for 30 minutes-2 hours. Then rinse it all off.
•PLEASE NOTE: using higher amounts of bleach than what I reccomended can result in killing important microfungi and bacteria vital for plant growth! Also, I would not recommend using bleach on your grass very often as it will damage your grass and will eventually become un effevtive as the bacteria you want to get rid of will become very resistant to the bleach. If you like to clean your grass weekly or even daily, rinsing it thouroughly should do the trick.
To clean Aftificial grass, you can use this method, however there are methods too.
You can make a white vinegar and water sollution rather than the bleach one.
Or you can buy artificial cleaners, which ai find aren’t very pricey at all.
Hope this was helpfull.
P.S. Now, this isn’t something you HAVE to do….I mean, despite me having a pet, I do this only every 6 months…and I have OCD. Often just hosing down my real grass is enough. However, I clean my artificial grass more often as I find it gets more dirty very easily (but a weekly hose might be ok for you).
13 Jul, 2016
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Well, I don't really recommend it unless you really feel that your real lawn is dirty-in this case, if you think the deer are actually "pooping" on your lawn. However, I strongly reccomend you clean your artificial grass. Its very easy and it doesn't have to be done very often.
hope this was helpful
13 Jul, 2016
Wind up???
14 Jul, 2016
Why do you bleach your real grass? I have never ever heard of anyone doing that before! What are you guarding against please?
14 Jul, 2016
Stetagram, this is usually for when the pets do "their business" all over my grass, I personally don't feel comfortable sitting in it or having the kids rolling around it.
if you don't have pets or you don't have animals pooping in your garden then you don't need to do this at all.
14 Jul, 2016
I agree that when you have pets you have to be careful but that is why you treat pets with worming and flea treatments, and pick up after them. Now and again will get hose out if bad but not a problem this year with all this rain. I have never gone so far as bleach. There is the theory that kids are getting more viruses and illnesses to not playing in the mud like we did as kids.
15 Jul, 2016
I see your point if the mess is not picked up immediately. Some time ago Terratoonie did a blog on making a dog run - this might be a solution to mess if you have space. Dog urine (especially bitches) can damage the lawn too.
15 Jul, 2016
An interesting fact about urine (of all things). I have found that my male dogs have the same effect on my lawn but urina when it decays it turns into ammonia which has a high PH level which breaks down organic material. The Romans used it to get tough stains out of cloths for this reason. That is why I throw water down after my boys have been to dilute it so not to burn the grass. Well when I've seen them go.
15 Jul, 2016
This is true that kids pick up more viruses these days which is whu I don't like to bleach my garden often at all. Usually just hosing it down does the trick. I prefer to do it only once every 6-12 months because I don't want to damage the grass or cause the kids' immune systems to weaken.
15 Jul, 2016
Steragram, yeah thats my fear, I dont like the idea of sitting in dog mess and not even knowing so I like it to be clean just im case. Lol.
but I guess some beleive in the idea of "what you dont know wont hurt you"
15 Jul, 2016
If we did that with our alkaline soil in the desert, after a few years, there would be no more grass--possibly for ten years to come!! Bleach makes an effective soil sterilant, here. Healthy, growing grass cleans itself, though if you have a dog, spraying and rinsing the lawn with hydrogen peroxide a few hours before a party might be worthwhile. Cleaning artificial grass is worthwhile, also, though I would use a mild, disinfectant soap, preferably organic, rather than bleach. Artificial turf fades fast enough in the sun, here, as it is.
16 Jul, 2016
Tugbrethil, I only do this every 6-12 months and the amount I use does not harm my soil or grass. However, I understand this could be due to my enviroment or other variables. Also, I think next time I will try hydrogen peroxide.
17 Jul, 2016
That's why I specified alkaline soil. If we could count on regular soakings with distilled water--from Mother Nature, called "rain"--it might be different. :)
As it is, any chlorates that go into the soil stay there forever, stunting roots. I'm still fighting a spot on the lawn at my church, where they washed out a batch of catering pans for the picnic...with bleach! Been at it for three years, now. :/
17 Jul, 2016
Tugbrethil, thats a shame. :(
17 Jul, 2016
Cleandude: I remember reading a book called "Life's too short to iron towels". Guess this now applies to our artificial lawns. They look good; only have some leaves and twigs which are easily raked (rubber rake). Deer are being considerate but then we have miles of heath land around.
18 Jul, 2016
Well, cleaning the grass isn't something that NEEDS to be done too often at all in most cases and it can be made easier with artificial grass cleaners-which can be very inexpensive. It seems you don't get too much mess on your grass which is excellent-if only I were so lucky :)
18 Jul, 2016
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25 Feb, 2011
Cleandude: We have artificial grass in two sections of the garden and I must confess the thought of cleaning it has never crossed my mind. Only this afternoon I thought how green and "clean" one section looked .We don't have a dog but we do have deer-visitors though thankfully we only know they have been there when we notice eaten plants. (Perhaps I should re-phrase that?)
Have never cleaned our real lawns either!
13 Jul, 2016