I'm back again
By cmsue
Hello everyone sorry i have been gone for so long, Bob my hubby, is far from well , he has cancer and they cant do anything for him, so we are a bit mixed up right now. They are going to give him some radiotherapy to try and shrink the tumor’s to make him moor comfortable . it is so surreal.
14 Sep, 2015
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Very sad my thoughts are with you.
15 Sep, 2015
Thank you Thrupennybit I will give the apple cider vinegar ago.x
Thank you Bjs dont know what to say.x
15 Sep, 2015
Beet juice to Sue is good if he does nt like the taste of one he can try the other.X
15 Sep, 2015
I can imagine the garden is the least of your worries Sue although sometimes it can take you mind off things even for a short time. Hope they can make Bob more comfortable. X
15 Sep, 2015
I am very sorry to read this news, Sue ... was only thinking of you recently as friends went to the The Great Dorset Steam Fair and I recall you went there one year. Thinking of you both. x
15 Sep, 2015
Thank you Snoopdog , Linda 235 ,Shirley Tulip. Just been to the hospital this afternoon and we are hoping they will start his treatment on the 5 th October Cm Sue x
15 Sep, 2015
I'd certainly missed you Sue and am so very sorry to hear about Bob. We have good memories of our day out with you both. Please give him our best wishes and remember we are all rooting for you.
15 Sep, 2015
Thank you Steragram, yes we enjoyed the day very much too. We are off to the caravan tomorrow for a few days fishing x
15 Sep, 2015
Any advice members can give should be welcome.
Peace and quiet is all I can offer. Try not to worry.
The fishing should be very beneficial.
16 Sep, 2015
Glad to see you back sue. Every day is so precious in our lives. Wishing you strength in difficult time.
17 Sep, 2015
For 40 years I have believed in Dark Muscavado Sugar.
It contains 18 nutrients that are destroyed when natural
sugar is refined to the white sugar people want. I have it
every morning on my porridge. Give it a try.
18 Sep, 2015
Another way you and OH can battle this awful disease is
to drink 8 glasses of water a day. His body cells are
dehydrated. Therefore more water is the way to rehydrate them. A glass of water before each meal. A glass of water before each cup of coffee. It is easier to drink it through a straw. I do this although I am not ill.
By rehydrating his body cells OH gives his body a better
chance of using the medication the Drs. give him to
fight on.
Source: 'Your body's many cries for water' by
F. Batmanghejidj M.D. ISBN 0-9629942-3-5
19 Sep, 2015
Life must be so difficult for you at this time I do hope you are getting the help and support you both need. My thoughts are with you, fingers crossed the radiotherapy shrinks the tumour and gives him some respite, best wishes Denise.
19 Sep, 2015
Thank you Dianebulley, Klahanie,Drc726 very much, I have told Bob what you said he will give it a try, but i think its to late. Thank you all for you very kind message's Love Sue xx
21 Sep, 2015
Hi Sue ...
sorry, I've only just found this blog ... lately I've only been on GoY intermittently.
I'll be thinking of you .. and sending lots of hugs to you and to Bob,
and let's hope the treatment in October will work well...
Understandable that you are feeling anxious and unsettled. Sending positive thoughts.
love from Terra, Conker, Truffle and Crocus x x x
23 Sep, 2015
Thank you Terra very much , and thank Conker ,Truffle and Crocus xxx, Bob want's me to have a little friend so we are looking for a collie so he can help me train her or him once again Thank you lv cmsue x
24 Sep, 2015
Recent posts by cmsue
- Hi very sad new
9 Apr, 2016
- Hi Every
17 Aug, 2014
- What i have been up to
14 Apr, 2014
- A few odds and ends
25 Mar, 2014
- My lastest painting
8 Mar, 2014
- They have gone mad
4 Mar, 2014
Welcome back Sue old sixpence here so sorry to hear such sad news about Bob I will keep every thing crossed for him give him give my best wishes must be such worry for you both keep your chins up I know its hard.
I was reading the other day how Apple Cider Vinegar is good for cancers also the heart not sure if this will help any. X
14 Sep, 2015