why mother nature why?
The day after I plant my beans out and we have gale force winds and driving rain … still, at least everything else is getting a good watering I guess.
25 May, 2008
Previous post: Too many plants ... too little space/time ..
they're looking a bit ragged but i'm hoping i can encourage them not to give up with a few more bits of well placed string!
25 May, 2008
hope this works for you, fingers crossed.
25 May, 2008
tell me about it!!!!!! i live overlooking the sea, beans deffinately dont like salt wind!!!!!
25 May, 2008
i think i'd trade my battered beans for a view of the sea!
25 May, 2008
I have to confess that here on the border of Yorkshire/Derbyshire we were in badly need of a good old down pour although we had nearly a full week of gale force winds before we got the wonder rain this morning and I'm very happy to write it's raining still! Hel.xxx.
27 May, 2008
I ruined my beans... they were getting attacked by slugs indoors so i put them out and they were sat on by the chickens (who thought the barrells were a lovely dusting place) so i built a fence around them and lo and behold frost!!!! But ah ha i knew this would happen so I have some more which will be ready to plant out next week! Clever me!! or not!!
27 May, 2008
aww sorry to hear that, have you lost them all? we have had gale force winds here today but with sunshine, no rain.
25 May, 2008