Grow Kilbarchan Plant Exchange
We are holding our first event this Saturday and hoping that many of you will be able to come and join us.
Primarily it is to enable people to offload some of their excess plants and swap them for something new. Don’t worry if you have no swaps. You can just buy plants for a very small price. In addition there will be a seed swap and a few plants and seeds for free. Also we will have our local beekeepers, information on composting, worms, salad tray making workshop, smoothie bike and refreshments.
It is free to come in so come along to the Guide Hall in Kilbarchan this Saturday (22nd) from 11-1 and enjoy.
18 Jun, 2013
Wrong side of Glasgow for me but good luck. I hope it's a success.
18 Jun, 2013
10 hour trip for us I'm afraid, but wish you every success for your Exchange. its a very good idea.
18 Jun, 2013
Thanks for the good wishes. Will let you know x
19 Jun, 2013
Hi Cornflowerblues, Welcome to GoY! Sorry you're a bit too far away for me I'm afraid, but all the best for a successful day.Let us know how it all goes.
18 Jun, 2013