Bog plant ideas please
By creamslice
I am keen to try fritillaries in my new bog; also I like Arum Lily (cuckoo pint used to be a common hedgerow plant in my Somerset youth). Ideas of plants and good sources of purchase for bogs would be much appreciated.
8 May, 2011
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I'd add marsh marigolds, candelabra primulas, astilbes and hostas to spritz's list
8 May, 2011
There are so many - Rodgersia, Lythrum salicaria, tall primulas, Lobelia cardinalis, various Ligularias, Zantedeschia aethiopica 'Crowborough', Darmera peltata, Iris ensete, Iris pseudoacorus, Iris sibirica, Carex elata 'Aurea', Lysichiton americanus, Gunnera manicata (if you have the space!)
I think that most good Garden Centres have a water plant section where you should find a few if not all of the above.
8 May, 2011