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Down at the garden today


By csarina


Its a lovely day sunny and warm but a cooling breeze. Down at the garden this morning I took things a bit steady. Watered, cut 2 lettuce, one for the house, pulled some spinich……planted 9 more calabrese and hoed the cabbages, brussels and cauliflowers.

OH ridged up the spuds, tied in the beans and then helped me with the netting over the brassicas.

The sweet peas have been tied in and I have taken the fleece off, so crossed fingers we do not get a frost. The strawberries are flowering and now we have sun maybe they will ripen. The peach tree has a lot of fruit coming, I will have to put the sticky band round the trunk to stop the earwigs getting in, nasty things……

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It was hot here Csarina, alls well in your garden then, its about time after what has been happening, don`t blame for you going steady, its the end result that counts, pleased to say I also have flowers on my strawberries....

22 May, 2012


I'm glad you've had a nice day. it seems you've been able to get lots done. That's great !

22 May, 2012


Lovely and warm here as well ,isn't it great to finally get some sun and be able to get on with some gardening .
Sounds like you got quite a bit done .............:))

22 May, 2012

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