September garden update..
Hi all! I’ve returned for a little bit.. I’ve been on holiday and then busy setting up a business for the new year. I’ve just taken a break from all of the pruning and cutting at home and also the pond which at the moment is very cloudy.. I won’t be doing anymore gardening until work on Saturday as I have over done it redeeming myself and fixing things since been away and now hurt my back!
8 Sep, 2016
Previous post: Colour in and around my pond today..
Next post: The last garden update for a while (maybe)
Thankyou! And yes I'm doing both! :) I'm going to do bookings etc and take the side of the business dealing with customers etc and my uncle will go out and do the actual work, then for bigger projects I'll join him and over the summer whilst on uni break I'll be doing the practical side too!
8 Sep, 2016
Busy time for you but look after your back!!
8 Sep, 2016
Thankyou! It's not too bad just aches and a little bruise from a project for this new business (it's garden related) Thankyou for the kind comments!
8 Sep, 2016
All the best with that then Dan!
8 Sep, 2016
Good luck with he business venture Dan.
8 Sep, 2016
Thankyou all! I'll do a separate blog about it after Sunday when work is completed!
8 Sep, 2016
I too was going to ask about Uni but see you are still going, I wish you all the best with your business venture, my grandaughter goes back to Birmingham end of Sept, is that when you'll be starting Dan, I hope you'll have time to let us know how you are getting on and of course that you do well with your studies and also enjoy uni life, I had missed your last blog, also been on holiday and busy with the gardening so got a tad behind on goy, your pond looks amazing, you certainly have the balance right, mine has been a bit cloudy this year as well but think its because we cleared out all the Iris last year so less shade, the fish are healthy and my lilies also flowered so not letting it bother me, might have to think about putting the UVlight back but will decide next springtime, not interfering with it this late in the year...
8 Sep, 2016
Thankyou! I move on the 17th and start on the 26th! I'll be keeping you all updated don't worry! :)
9 Sep, 2016
Good idea to go early and get organised before term officially starts, I remember our Lizzie did that last year and has already said she is going back a week early to settle in the house, she is not in the halls of residence now but the place she is sharing is closer to the campus which she is pleased about...
9 Sep, 2016
My accomodation is literally on site! But I'm
Moving in, having my first lecture on the 26th then I have nothing for a month so I'll be popping home for a bit..
9 Sep, 2016
Good Luck ! :)
11 Sep, 2016
Thank you!
12 Sep, 2016
I won't forget homebird! I'll be back every two weeks or so hopefully to continue working/gardening at you know where!
13 Sep, 2016
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Starting a business Dan? I thought you were off to Uni? Look after that back...
8 Sep, 2016