The last garden update for a while (maybe)
I think for a little this will be my last garden update/blog for a while because I’m finally about to move off to university! Here’s some photos I took today 12:10pm new cyclamens planted, old ones coming up and the pond water is finally clearing! Sorry about the washing line being up but it’s a small garden and that’s it’s home! I’ll be doing a final blog this week about the new business we’re currently setting up!
12 Sep, 2016
Previous post: September garden update..
Next post: Home for a week
Thankyou! And I'm training to teach primary school children ages 4-8 hopefully! Ideally I'll be able to be a part time teacher and part time work for the business, if the business doesn't work out I have the teaching to fall back on!! Thankyou for the kind comment about the garden! Hope you're well!
12 Sep, 2016
good luck at uni. remember the garden is a brilliant de stresser especially when the 'little darlings' get too much for you. :p
12 Sep, 2016
Haha Thankyou! And exactly, I'll be coming home every two weeks so hopefully I'll be able to get some gardening done and a few little blogs!
12 Sep, 2016
I will miss your blogs Dan......enjoy uny.
12 Sep, 2016
Thankyou! I'll still update as and when I can but it will maybe only be one or two more this year!
12 Sep, 2016
Good luck at uni Dan.
12 Sep, 2016
Had you noticed that the pink stripe on the cuff of the jumper in the first photo matches the clem exactly? Lol.
All the very best with your new life Dan - hope you really enjoy it and that it all works out as you plan.
12 Sep, 2016
Thankyou!! And aha Steragram I'd not realised until you'd commented! Thankyou all for the well wishes!
12 Sep, 2016
Dan if you put as much time and effort into your studies as you have into your garden in the time I have known you, then you'll not go far wrong, your dedication to detail is spot on, I wish you well and hope you enjoy the time you'll spend at uni, its not all work and I hope you make lots of new friends as well, you never know there might be someone into gardening, lol, not going anywhere so will be looking out for the occasional post when you are home sometime, it would be good to know how you are getting on. Take care Dan and once again Good Luck, I don't think you'll need it though....
12 Sep, 2016
Thank you so much! I'll let you all know how I get on etc! And will update as and when I can!
12 Sep, 2016
It all looks very colourful and your pond's looking great Dan. Good luck and enjoy uni life and am looking forward to hearing about your business venture!
12 Sep, 2016
All the very best for your new life at University Dan.
Keep in touch.
12 Sep, 2016
Your garden is looking great.
You may have time to come on here in the holidays and tell us how it's going at the university :)
Good luck !
12 Sep, 2016
Bgu at Lincoln, for teaching! Thankyou for the comment about the garden! I like to keep it as tidy as possible!
13 Sep, 2016
13 Sep, 2016
My daughter went there to get her degree Dan, her husbands niece started last year and my daughter-in-laws niece also started last year, all hoping to become teachers...Beautiful city as well....
13 Sep, 2016
It is! I love lincolnxonnand the university seems lovely!
14 Sep, 2016
4-8. Lovely age groups. I've been watching the TV programme where 4 year olds start school for the first time.
When they get to 14-18 things get a bit trickier!
Enjoy Uni.
17 Sep, 2016
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Hi Dan, garden is looking really good. Sorry haven't had chance to read previous blog, life has been mad. Good luck with business and uni. What are you studying? Oh and don't enjoy freshers week too much :-) lol.
12 Sep, 2016