hostas spring into life.
By davebanks
What a lovely time of the year in the garden, my hostas are starting to show signs of life and every day is a stock check to see which varieties are poking through ready for another season . The Japanese Iris are slow this year , only a few signs of growth and as always its never the best ones that show first. My favourite “Lion King” seems to be acting the role of sleeping beauty this year, but will be well worth the wait. Any other members got Hostas or Irises in growth yet ?
7 Mar, 2012
Can I add here that all your hostas are absolutely gorgeous. I have quite a few hostas in the garden and am so jealous that these are imaculate :)
7 Mar, 2012
Glad to see that you like the mouse hostas, probably should confess that all my hostas are grown in pots, hence the lack of attention from the enemy, slugs and snails! Think the mini hostas would only be classed as a snack haha. Will add more photos from my collection soon, happy growing season to everyone.
8 Mar, 2012
My variegated irises are shoving up new leaves from their rhizomes and I have seen a tiny green 'nose' from one of my hostas - waiting with keen anticipation! :o)
8 Mar, 2012
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I do so agree with you I love the Spring and all it promises.
7 Mar, 2012