Debbieweedlady's Profile

About me
i manage a small farm in oregon. I am an activist trying to save forests, native meadows, and farms from invading noxious plant species. most of these are imprted by well-meaning gardners that don't understand there is more to growing things than what happens on your patio. many "beautiful varieties" escape their pots and patios and, entering a natural environment where they don't belong and have no predators, they do millions of dollars of damage to farms, animals, and destroy rare plants in their own native habitats. I have learned most gardners--even master gardeners--don't look at the big picture and propogate many damaging plants. my mission is to inform and plead with gardeners to inform themselves about what they propagate. 90% of the most damaging weeds in north amercian were deliberately brought here as ornamentals...plants like poison hemlock, queen ann's lace, and lathyra latifolia were all brought here from euorope on purpose and are destroying wild lands in the west.
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Joined in Jul 2010
Country: United States
State: Oregon