Desktopgem's Profile

About me
I have been patio gardening now for a few years. Some things are great to grow on one like raspberries, blueberries, tomatoes, french beans, chard, etc but others, sadly, are not. Having said that I love growing everything to give it a chance. This year I planted much but reaped little. Snails etc have made for a spartan crop and I will invent something to keep them at bay one of these days. My runner beans are just about coping but are promising a few. I weigh and count most things to keep a record, well I have done this year. I had three wonderful savoy cabbages which tasted so good but none of them formed a heart. I just ate the leaves. There are flowers too like roses, pansies, violas, sunflowers. I love variety year by year.
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Joined in Aug 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: East Sussex