The antics of Tiny Twinkle Toes
By dianebulley
cheered me up. Went down the field yesterday and found a full grown Partridge savaging through the netting on my Brussel Sprouts. It had forced the netting cloches over my Spring Cabbage plants and eaten them. I forget how much these protective measures cost but we never had to buy them years ago. Winter Brassicas and Spring Cabbage grew on our plots to pick every week, all through the miserable weeks of the year.
Resolved not to grow them next year, just grow summer crops. Seems these large birds are becoming more of a menace every year that goes by. Nothing stops them.
I dug the rest of my Brussels plants up , brought them home and stood them in buckets.
I am going again today, to fix lengths of baling string across the tops of the netting on canes to try and keep them off my White Sprouters.
It is said Partridges stay mostly on the ground, but this one had flown over 6 foot fencing.
12 Jan, 2013
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they get to a decent height if you think about the shooting parties that bag them in braces.
I resorted to growing them in the fruit cage then decided it wasnt worth the hassle for the few i could fit in. Still waiting for an allotment.
12 Jan, 2013
Must be the six foot long legged Partridges then.
12 Jan, 2013
Yes, a bit like the myth that carrot fly don'tfly over 3 feet.I suspect many of us have fallen foul of that one!
13 Jan, 2013
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9 Aug, 2009
Hi Diane, I got slightly confused with your blog title and the budgie below........?
We have pheasants at times and they fly over the surrounding hawthorn hedges which are taller than me......I think that they need a long run up to gain the height. :0)
12 Jan, 2013