A bit more about stone.
By dianebulley
On winter walks its worth stopping by a village Church you pass, and checking the walls for fossils. Millions of years ago this country was under the sea. These tiny sea creatures died and their skins and shells became embedded in the mud of the sea bed which later became stone. They all have names too!
The Lincolnshire Limestone Belt runs diagonally from The Humber, across this country to Lyme Bay in Dorset. Buildings were constructed of stone from local quarries.
I love searching the walls of village houses and Churches
with a magnifying glass for fossils. Children are always very interested.
Tracing where all this stone came from, and how our ancestors got it there, is an interesting hobby for winter months. A WEA Course in Geology is well worth attending.
- and they were all gardeners. There were no supermarkets and computer shopping in those days !
9 Jan, 2013
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Geology is so fascinating. I did it for A level (centuries ago lol)
Some places abound in fossils. There's a beach not very far from here where you can see them in the exposed cliff face, and you can find them in pebbles.
Disused limestone quarries are also good places to find them. There are some near here.
I've got a nice fossil of a plant which I found in an exposed coal seam once.
Now that's an interesting thing to show in a blog. I may do it :o)
9 Jan, 2013
Pleased do Hywel I find the whole subject fascinating
9 Jan, 2013
Anything along those lines is fascinating, I have the Collyweston Slate Mines in one direction and Barnack Stone in the other and there is a lot of interesting facts online about them, my hubby spent most of his working life in the local quarries, gravel, granite and stone, our local Morrisons and one of the retail parks is built where the Lime Kilns were, we used to play there as children, I can picture the huge drop in the ground, obviously we weren`t supposed to but it was fun until my oldest brother went over the top with his pushbike and ended up with the brake in his head, workmen from Blackstones rescued him and took him along to the casualty, luckily only two mins away on the same road, our fun playing there ended that day and we all got a good hiding even him.....
9 Jan, 2013
the yorkshire and lincolnshire wolds are sundered by the humber. I'm on the edge of the yorkshire ones and my bit is chalk. On the north east coast at sunderland there is one of 2 [the other is in japan] ranges of 'cannon ball limestone' i remember a bbc programme about it and then lots of geologists came the following summer and took loads of bits away.
I also like to look at reused stones, our local church has roman blocks in the door frames complete with carvings too.
9 Jan, 2013
Geology is a facinating subject , Diane , thanks for the idea ; we always look around village churches ,and often very isolated ones , which are in abundance in this area .
I have never thought of inspecting them for fossils though .
(I precociously wrote about "my collection of fossils " for an essay in the 11+ !) Of course I didn't have one .
9 Jan, 2013
I live near the Charnwood Forest which is ancient granite (info courtesy of david attenborough)
but in the village here are areas called the lime kilns where a pleiosaur( think thats its spelling)was dug out in the late victorian era I think, they mine gypsum under us as well......hopefully leaving a pillar under each property.........saying that not that long ago a huge hole opened up behind the retirement flats.......
9 Jan, 2013
The sea cliffs round here are very layered and very folded and every time I see them I wish I know some geology. I was put off it by the dreadfully long names...
9 Jan, 2013
I did invest in the British Geological Survey National Environment Research Council Solid and Drift Geology Map
for this area, when I went to the Natural History Museum.
Conctact is www.bgs.ac.uk
Maybe the NHS would send them out by post to Goyers who are really keen to explore their areas.
Its good as it gets us out in the winter.
10 Jan, 2013
Serious stuff! I did ask the library what they had on the area but there wasn't much - surprising as it was the County Library. However its operating at half cock at present as the premises are being revamped and its in temporary accommodation.
10 Jan, 2013
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Its a fascinating subject Diane, did you see the stargazing programme last night and the photographs of Mars and the layers of rocks?
As well as looking for live bacteria in what they think is water ice at the poles they are also looking for fossilised bacteria!!
9 Jan, 2013